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Thread: Matthew Garrett's Analysis of Automatix

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    A DD's take on automatix,it basically sucks.

    This confirms what a lot of people have been saying about automatix,it sucks.
    It's a dirty hack that should simply be avoided and people should stop recommending it to n00bs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scotlands biggest region
    Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

    Re: A DD's take on automatix,it basically sucks.

    yawn.....not again surely???

    EDIT:For people that dont use the bloody thing you`se sure like bringing it back into the arena over & over & over again

    For the lazy readers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Matthew Garrett's Analysis of Automatix

    Matthew Garrett of the Technical Board has posted the results of his quick analysis of Automatix on his blog:

    The results may help demystify things in the "works for me" vs. "is theoretically bad" debates.
    Previously known as 23meg

  4. #4
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    Jul 2007

  5. #5

    Re: A DD's take on automatix,it basically sucks.

    Last edited by needtolookatascreenshot; August 10th, 2007 at 07:29 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: A DD's take on automatix,it basically sucks.

    It took me maybe 10 minutes to search, find, download and apply all the settings I could use from it ( just multimedia support ) and after that I was done.

    My question is why not just suggest Linux Mint for a complete, questionable ( depending on your country obviously ) multimedia experience out of the box?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

    Re: A DD's take on automatix,it basically sucks.

    Quote Originally Posted by xpod View Post
    yawn.....not again surely???
    hmm, yes it must be 'that' time of the week again

    personally i have never had a problem with automatix, and will use it again, and will install it for others if they require it. maybe i've been lucky, but i will go with my own personal experiences of it.

    it seems there is almost a vendetta against it on this forum, which is a shame.
    Linux user #435981 / Ubuntu user #9751

    "...when i hear the voices, i ignore them, and do something constructive, like play with my ubuntu..."

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: A DD's take on automatix,it basically sucks.

    Well, it's the technical analysis of automatix by a member of the Ubuntu Technical Board. So I'd consider it pretty relevant.

    Also don't forget that automatix regularly leads to problems in the support channels as people ask for help with problems that were caused by automatix, without these people being aware that automatix could have caused the problems. Which in turn makes helping them harder then it should be.
    It`s certainly not my place to say what`s relevant and what`s not but it all just seems like the same old same old in my eyes.
    Anything can break your system in reality and i`ve had far more issues(at times) with official stuff that i`ve ever had with AX.

    I will concede that it`s really no longer nessesary but the fact is that AX helped many many new users get through those first few weeks with earlier releases without totally losing the plot
    As i`ve said a dozen times, having my new Ubuntu up & running as quick as i did last year gave me a bit more leeway & freedom when it came to learning all the other "proper ways" of doing things.
    Personally i dont think i`ve learned any less than i would have without AX,i just did it without soo much potential frustration during those first weeks & months thats all.....i had enough of that as it was

    Good luck to them regardless of how they do it i say.

    For the lazy readers

  9. #9

    Re: A DD's take on automatix,it basically sucks.

    Last edited by needtolookatascreenshot; August 10th, 2007 at 07:28 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: A DD's take on automatix,it basically sucks.

    Quote Originally Posted by kinematic View Post
    This confirms what a lot of people have been saying about automatix,it sucks.
    It's a dirty hack that should simply be avoided and people should stop recommending it to n00bs.
    Thanks for that link. I've been an avid fan of automatix since I came to ubuntu and have used it in all cases except for when I applied the new GG alpha to my PC.

    I think that is a valuable document that highlights a lot of security risks and flaws and the automatix team would do well to read it and improve their product.

    While I have genuinely never had much trouble with it I rarely keep the same OS on my PC long term. Easily reinstalling within a 3 month period.

    There's no point getting upset about the issue. It surely needs improving and it's a good thing that someone has actually made a list of the problems rather than just blindly slagging it.

    It's also good to make people aware that if they use it it is at their own risk.

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