Why does a search for the word 'Automatix' produce 0 results?
Especially when google returns over 60,000 hits... Google Search (It's a conspiracy I tell you! )
I see it says the word is too common to be in a search... I "guess" that this was done to prevent the "automatix sucks" abuse earlier in the week.
Every time you install Jaunty, a kitten........ wait sorry what year is this again? Please don't PM support questions, post a thread so that everyone can benefit Join us in #ubuntuforums on irc.freenode.net
That's strange... since it does return results if you just search for "gnome"....
Automatix Sucks was searched so much that I think its safe to say that it was gumming up the server. Great time to block it.
Originally Posted by PriceChild I see it says the word is too common to be in a search... I "guess" that this was done to prevent the "automatix sucks" abuse earlier in the week. Your assumption is correct it was added to the filter list until people could stop abusing the search results.
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Originally Posted by ubuntu-geek Your assumption is correct it was added to the filter list until people could stop abusing the search results. Thanks ubuntu-geek, do you think any one party was doing it on their own for bad look on Arnieboy (I'm not flaming or bashing, I just want to know)
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