Hi, I'm trying to build the latest release of firefox from source, after configuring I typed make and everything semed to go fine, but after... I dont know, perhaps 40 minutes of building I get this error: I cant make any sense of it, can anyone help?
My cross-platform python modules for PVA or population simulation https://code.google.com/p/nobones/, written in Ubuntu!
Why don't you use the backport that's in staging instead? EDIT: about your problem, sorry I can't help...
I want an i686 build and I'm farly sure thats not what I'll get if I get it from there. Anyway, I installed some additinal software... I'll see if that does the trick or not
Originally Posted by Kimm I want an i686 build and I'm farly sure thats not what I'll get if I get it from there. Anyway, I installed some additinal software... I'll see if that does the trick or not Ok I see. I hope it works out for you. Good luck
nope, that did not work eighter... I have checked and checked again.... I have all the dependensies!
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