Is there anyone in Missoula who's involved in / starting a group? I've been calling around off & on to computer support places but having no luck.
I've been thinking about it ever since one of my clients asked if we had one. I've spoken with a couple people that seem interested. Once we get it started perhaps more people will show up? Are you still interested?
With a little promotion, and a meeting place, I think that people will show up. Rather like AA.
nice. As long as we don't have to go through any 12-step program I'm game. We could start by meeting at a coffee shop or something. Both the library and the university have meeting rooms available... Any preferences?
any place i can get a ride to or take the bus to. wtb laptop...
If there is a place and a time open I would like to join
lunaz, I highly encourage you to start the MissoulaLUG. I also offer space for you to host the site or at least utilize it as a portal to your LUG site. If you haven't seen yet... check it out. We have the BozemanLUG, BillingsLUG here and the HelenaLUG also utilizes us as a portal. I look forward to hearing your progress!
Last edited by Worzie; August 1st, 2007 at 04:02 PM.
cool; i'll look into it. ty
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