I have not seen any Ubuntu groups other than this one in New England. I am from New Hampshire - work in Merrimack, NH and live in Concord, NH. We have a few active LUGs in our state, including one in Nashua, one at the Tech in Concord, one in the seacoast region, and another one in the Sunapee region - which I believe covers both Dartmouth (Hanover/Lebanon) and Sunapee (Newport, Clairmont, Newbury, Sunapee). --- no Ubuntu groups or forums though. I am wondering if it is worth collaborating between New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts, at least until more of these efforts get established, or should every state retain complete autonomy? As long as we can collaborate remotely via forums, chats, and so forth, it may be helpful to work together - unless and until our efforts grow sufficiently strong and diverse to establish our own distinct efforts. Your thoughts on this?
Taken from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam : Our team is a chapter of the NUUbuntuTeam which promotes Ubuntu in the North Eastern United States. We share their goals but focus locally in Massachusetts. The Northeastern Team Forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=190 I for one welcome all to attend any and all meet-ups and events. The more the merrier. I just want to be part of some installfests
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