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Thread: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

  1. #171
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by califman831 View Post
    not loading under kubuntu, bug report filed.
    Thanks, bug is already fixed in the repository. If you know how to work with bazaar please test it. Otherwise you can trust me that it works and wait for the release.

  2. #172
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    Arrow Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by digitalis_vulgaris View Post
    How did you remember that you need icons when I submit my post?! Hahahahahaha
    Ok, if you can wait a little, I could help you with this problem. I don't have a time this mount, but maybe I could do it in january.
    Of course I didn't remember your graphic skills by accident You are great icon master.

    Anyway, I had to proceed as we are in a hurry to get this in time in Ubuntu Hardy. So I used some icons from the Open Clip Art Library. I've attached a screenshot (in Dutch) below.

    If you dislike some icons, feel free to provide me with some new ones under the GPL license. I can't use icons of which the origin is unclear due to licensing issues.

    Happy newyear to everyone!

    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #173
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    I'm really impressed with Phatch, thank you! It's nice that it can upscale images as I found that gthumb's resizer can't do this essential task

    One important thing lacking is retaining the exif data. All my resized Phatched images are fine, correct dimensions and dpi etc. but no exif data. Do you have a plan to include this feature? Or maybe I missed something?

    Also I have a question about the resampling algorithms. Simply, which is highest quality? I notice new version of Gimp offers Sinc (Lanczos3) as best quality. How does this compare with those available in Phatch?
    grunty gubbins

  4. #174
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    Arrow Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by julian67 View Post
    I'm really impressed with Phatch, thank you! It's nice that it can upscale images as I found that gthumb's resizer can't do this essential task

    One important thing lacking is retaining the exif data. All my resized Phatched images are fine, correct dimensions and dpi etc. but no exif data. Do you have a plan to include this feature? Or maybe I missed something?
    This is a higly requested feature. If someone can point me to a cross platform (linux, windows, mac) exif python library, I would be happy to include it.

    Also I have a question about the resampling algorithms. Simply, which is highest quality? I notice new version of Gimp offers Sinc (Lanczos3) as best quality. How does this compare with those available in Phatch?
    I use Gimp myself and sinc is not yet fully operational as far as I read somewhere. Antialias is the best downsampling filter and the others are more or less like Gimp. So the best upsampling filter is Bicubic. More info:

    The filter argument can be one of NEAREST (use nearest neighbour), BILINEAR (linear interpolation in a 2x2 environment), BICUBIC (cubic spline interpolation in a 4x4 environment), or ANTIALIAS (a high-quality downsampling filter).

  5. #175
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Thanks for the reply...and on a Sunday evening too!

    I appreciate the info about resampling, it's something I'd not seen clearly spelt out before. As for Exif, the solution is for Gnu based systems only and let Windows and Mac users use their own tools But seriously Windows users have the choice of many excellent (financially) free and paid tools that can do these things (I don't know about Mac except Photoshop could easily do all this stuff with custom actions last time I used it) but Gnu based systems really have lacked a good batch converter for images for so long ( forever????). Why not just make it as good as possible for this environment? I think the exif data will be something that makes the difference between many people using this tool or choosing to run IrfanView or similar under wine. I'm going to keep using your tool as the last step in preparing my photos for printing, but it would useful in so many other ways if exif data was retained. It's really something special, great interface, easy to set up an action, works beautifully....could become an essential. It would be a perfect extension for other full editors/managers such as F-Spot. Thanks again.

    edit: Gimp 2.4 has sinc (Lanczos3) running, it seems all ok to me as a user, though it has to explicitly chosen, it isn't the default.
    grunty gubbins

  6. #176
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by stani View Post
    Thanks, bug is already fixed in the repository. If you know how to work with bazaar please test it. Otherwise you can trust me that it works and wait for the release.
    Am gonna have to wait for the .deb update. A side note, a download now graphic would be a good change to the homepage. The link at the bottom is not as user friendly. Anyways keep up the good work

  7. #177
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by julian67 View Post
    Thanks for the reply...and on a Sunday evening too!

    I appreciate the info about resampling, it's something I'd not seen clearly spelt out before.
    Ha, probably you wanted something like:

    Now you know phatch a little, why not help out a little on the documentation? It is a wiki, so anyone can contribute. Some actions have no explanation yet. Don't worry about mistakes, I'll correct them. Only creating screenshots would already be useful, but wait for the next deb release as all action icons are replaced.
    As for Exif, the solution is for Gnu based systems only and let Windows and Mac users use their own tools
    Would you say the same about Firefox versus Internet Explorer? Cross platform applications help invite other users to Linux. I would prefer to see the Phatch community as big as possible. So far I still have to do too many things on my own (website, documentation, icons, ... not to speak about developing it.)

  8. #178
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by califman831 View Post
    Am gonna have to wait for the .deb update. A side note, a download now graphic would be a good change to the homepage. The link at the bottom is not as user friendly. Anyways keep up the good work
    If you send me a private message on the ubuntu forums with your email I'll send you an updated deb for testing.

  9. #179
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by stani View Post
    Ha, probably you wanted something like:

    Now you know phatch a little, why not help out a little on the documentation? It is a wiki, so anyone can contribute. Some actions have no explanation yet. Don't worry about mistakes, I'll correct them. Only creating screenshots would already be useful, but wait for the next deb release as all action icons are replaced.
    Would you say the same about Firefox versus Internet Explorer? Cross platform applications help invite other users to Linux. I would prefer to see the Phatch community as big as possible. So far I still have to do too many things on my own (website, documentation, icons, ... not to speak about developing it.)
    I'll use it a little more first. So far I only did resizing (which is what i needed). But I can see some areas I know about from other applications which I might be able to help with in the wiki docs once I have tried them in Phatch. I like the wiki btw, very well laid out and the info which is there is good.
    grunty gubbins

  10. #180
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Hello Stani.
    Forgive my disappearance of late, but I was drowning inside a puddle of holidays, personal and health problems and couldn't find the time.
    I will definitely soon work with the proposed blueprints and possibly even make you a temporary icon set to use. I am still learning how to use my new tools and clean interfaces is something I haven't done yet, so don't expect much. But it will be better than nothing or those pretty but out of context icons.

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