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Thread: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

  1. #161
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by arigram View Post

    - Scheduling.
    Schedule execution of a single or multiple action lists.
    I was also thinking of scheduling. Therefore you'll need to wait for Phatch 0.2, which will hopefully supply a phatch command line interface. However scheduling will not be a task for Phatch. Linux has a great tool for that: cron. No way I can beat that. If you want a nice GUI for it, try:
    sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule
    - Action Value Presets.
    Ability to save values of Actions as presets to be selected in future Actions by name and/or value.
    E.g. a set of preset values of color adjustments for a certain type of film or digital sensor, a variety of watermarks, different frames, blurring presets, often used colors, etc
    I agree with this. Please file a blueprint for presets. My idea is that you can use saved action list as an action itself. This can contain some locked attributes while others could still be changed.
    - Tabs.
    So you can load multiple action lists, which you can select by tab press.
    When in droplet mode, you can tell the action list by either a number displayed at one corner or an action list's name under the icon. By clicking on the number or the name, you can change the action list. Also able to do so by means of a pull-down context menu.
    Useful when you have different kinds of batch processes to execute, such as processing the same images for printing and for web display. Saves a bit of time and organises the workflow better.
    I doubt about this one. You should see Phatch as a tool to create action lists. For professional execution you will use the console version. Also it only makes sense if the opened action lists in Phatch needs to be applied simultaneously.In that sense people will mostly work with one action list and the notebook interface only adds clutter.
    - Add Actions.
    Keep the Add Actions dialog open and add Actions by means of doubleclicking and/or drag and dropping.
    File a blueprint for this one. I have to think about it.

    Present Actions – New Features
    - Rotate.
    Free Rotation by value.
    Useful when you know that all the images are titled by a cretain amount due to scanning, etc.
    File a blueprint for it. If the image rotates should the size follow the bounding box?
    - Watermark.
    Add border to watermark, adjust edges (sharp/rounded), color of border.
    Can you give visual examples? It would any way only be possible to add a rectangular border.
    - Save.
    Folder Arrangement: Save images to different folders based on their characteristics (type, size, colors, etc) and/or comment tags (camera, lens, subject matter, etc). If folder doesn't exist, create one.
    This is already possible. Just use any <variable>. For more info see:

    New Actions - General

    - Include/Exclude Files.
    Automatically include and/or exclude files from the set directory(ies) by:
    name, type, color space, date modified, size, exif information, tag/comment.
    By placing this Action in the beginning of the List you can include/exclude or images, but by placing it once or multiple times among the List, you can limit certain Actions to certain files even after they were processed by other Actions. For example you can adjust the brightness to all files but limit the resizing to only the jpeg files.
    File as blueprint.
    - Comment Editor.
    Edit and create comment and Exif tags to add to the files, such as photographer, camera, film, subject type, etc.
    Able to add a Gnome Nautilus Emblem.
    Useful when working with images that do not contain exif information (film photos, computer graphics, etc) but also able to add more information when exif is present.
    I still need to find the right python exif library which is cross platform. Especially writing is tricky, read-only will be more easy.
    - FTP Transfer.
    Transfer files to another location by ftp.
    File as a blue print.
    - Print.
    Send processed batch to a printer to be printed en masse.
    File as a blueprint.
    - PDF Creator.
    Create a PDF file from the image batch. You can choose how many images a page would fit, background color, offset and alignment, text above or below (image label from filename or custom) and compression/quality.
    Useful for building quick portfolios, draft indexes, printing tests, etc.
    Phatch can only deal with single images. This would be another software. Maybe you can try:
    sudo apt-get install photoprint

    New Actions – Adjustment

    - Brightness, Contrast, Saturation.
    File as a blue print
    - Cropping.
    The action "canvas size" can already do this.
    Screen Edge Values, Offset.
    What do you mean with that?
    - Color Adjustment.
    RGB/CMYK. Hue, Saturation, Brightness.
    - Sharpening.
    - Blur.
    File blueprint.
    - Lens Distortion.
    Fix or exaggerate distortions made by the camera lens.
    Barrel or pinch, offset.
    Useful when you know that a certain lens or focal legth creates distortion (eg. cheap zoom lenses) and which you have used in the past a lot or keep using.
    You can file it as a blueprint but I don't know how to do this in PIL.
    New Actions – Effects.

    - Digital Noise/Film Grain.

    Film Grain is different from Digital Noise. Its size and crystalic structure is relevant to the film type and ISO speed set. It is also only visible in non pure white-black tones.
    - Colorization.
    Colorize whole image by selected color from a palette. Limit the colorization to dark/gray/white values. This way one can simulate chemical toners (sepia, gold, selenium, etc) that can limit their effect in certain values. By combining these actions one can simulate split toning effects (combining two or more chemical toners to achieve special colors and effects).
    - Frame.
    Add a frame around the image. Simple line with control on thickness and color or use a graphic file with transparency which will form the frame. Choose inside/directly/outside placement and transparency.
    “Destructive” option: subtract from the main image using the frame so you can create tear and cut effects (or darkroom printing).
    File them all seperately as a blueprint.
    - Combine Images.
    Combine images vertically, horizontally (to create panorama) or by rows/columns (to create index/contact sheet).
    Same comment as earlier. Phatch is only for single images. Look at photoprint... and bug its author

    That's it for now. Its quite a lot!
    Haha, you realize. No problem, you can always ask, but no promises. Of course it would be nice if you would help me with the documentation. This discussion goes quite detailed and I prefer strongly if you would use the brand new Phatch forums for that:

    Just get yourself a wikidot account and you can help me with the documentation right away. A lot of actions still need their own page. Just click on Actions and you will be able to create the page. As an example look at the Watermark Action.

    Of course the reason I made the list public is in hopes not just to increase your workload but to attract others to create Actions and develop the application.
    After all this is Open Source world.
    To extract more developers. Phatch needs more exposure and good documentation and structure. There is still a lot where you can help. Developers might follow...

  2. #162
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Hi Stani,
    I just do some tests with tif rgb to tif cmyk conversion, using Phatch 0.0.156
    I create tif image 1x1cm, 300 dpi, RGB and try to convert this file into tif CMYK image. Results were very funny. Now I have tif CMYK, 4x4cm, 72 dpi, with totally mess up colors.

  3. #163
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by digitalis_vulgaris View Post
    Hi Stani,
    I just do some tests with tif rgb to tif cmyk conversion, using Phatch 0.0.156
    I create tif image 1x1cm, 300 dpi, RGB and try to convert this file into tif CMYK image. Results were very funny. Now I have tif CMYK, 4x4cm, 72 dpi, with totally mess up colors.
    In that case you should file a bug report on launchpad. In the new phatch 0.1.bzr184 there is a menu entry for it under help. In the bug report you need to attach your image and the action list. Also mention the program with which you checked it afterwards.

  4. #164
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Anyway, this is a great application, great idea. Whan pass puberty it's gone a be essential application on every linux...

  5. #165
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by digitalis_vulgaris View Post
    Anyway, this is a great application, great idea. Whan pass puberty it's gone a be essential application on every linux...
    Luckily the logo is already passed puberty Can you still file a bug report so I can reproduce your problem?
    Also Phatch is refused at the moment for Ubuntu/Debian because of its actions icons which are not released under the gpl. Is there someone willing to create 9 icons of one fixed size? Or does someone have a good suggestion to replace them? I need other ones, otherwise Phatch can not be part of Ubuntu Hardy.

    These are the actions:

    Color Actions
    * Convert Mode - Convert the color mode of an image.
    (greyscale, RGB, RGBA or CMYK)
    * Invert - Invert the colors of the image (negative).

    Effect Actions
    * Round - Round or crossed corners with variable radius and corners.
    * Shadow - Drop a blurred shadow under a photo with variable position, blur and color.
    * Watermark - Apply a watermark image with variable placement (offset, scaling, tiling) and opacity.

    File Actions
    * Save - Save an image with variable compression in different types.

    Image Actions
    * Canvas Size - Crop the image or put it on a bigger canvas without resizing the image.
    * Image Size - Scale an image with different resample filters.
    * Transpose - Flip or rotate an image by 90 degrees.

    More info at

    Thanks in advance,

  6. #166
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    How did you remember that you need icons when I submit my post?! Hahahahahaha
    Ok, if you can wait a little, I could help you with this problem. I don't have a time this mount, but maybe I could do it in january.

  7. #167
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    I propose to SITE MODERATORS that make this topic sticky. There isn't more important subject for Ubuntu Community than development of great applications. Great applications are real value of Ubuntu, and best way of fight against kapitalistic and monopolistic tendentions.
    Last edited by digitalis_vulgaris; December 25th, 2007 at 02:47 PM.

  8. #168
    Join Date
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    Talking Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    I just used it to make all my wedding photos usable on the internet.

    Truly wonderful, I wanted a batch program to just resize etc from photographer quality to internet friendly, and that's exactly what I got.

    No muss no fuss.

    I was done in 5 mins.

    so erm... keep up the great work!

  9. #169
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    not loading under kubuntu, bug report filed.

  10. #170
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    Re: Phatch: New Photo Batch Processor calling for testers

    Quote Originally Posted by kgriffin View Post
    I just used it to make all my wedding photos usable on the internet.

    Truly wonderful, I wanted a batch program to just resize etc from photographer quality to internet friendly, and that's exactly what I got.

    No muss no fuss.

    I was done in 5 mins.

    so erm... keep up the great work!
    Thanks, quote added to the phatch website (see documentation>reviews).

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