I was looking for any linux related activity going on in Central VA and I found rivalug.org which led to valug.org. Both of those sites look abandoned as there are hardly any members/posts. Does anyone in Central have an interest in meeting other Ubuntu users? I just read in the Pennsylvania section about an installfest they had where all kinds of people brought their computers in to get help and/or get Ubuntu installed. That is something I would really love to participate in!
This is something that will be coming up with this Virginia LoCo team. As we start to get this thing organized we will probably start to hold meetings. I have to get in touch with panickedthumb to find out more of the details of his vision with this... but I'm moving from Illinois where we have a fairly well established team. We do meetings where we discuss development ideas (a few devs attend), put in bug reports, also help people with their installations and such. So you can look forward to some things like that in the future
I also might have added a little plug for the IRC channel. That is a great place to talk about things, organize meetings, and also meet people from the virginia area. #ubuntu-virginia on freenode
I think enough time has passed on this thread to warrant a SUPER BUMP.
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