Well done guys, Tamam Let's spread the word and let's be ready to help whoever wants installation media or guide for those who want to give it a try and/or move to ubuntu. I am quite enthusiastic about it and I believe that ubuntu users in Sudan will grow massively very soon. so let's be part of it. Cheers
good work people . keep moving foreward
You are welcome suspect x, many people here did and still doing an amazing job by providing support and know how to our internal issues and ISP devices. Please have a look and share your knowledge with all of us. Thanks!
Welcome guys... looking forward to share some knowledge
hey Sudanese I'm new comer to Ubuntu 1 yrs now I love it want to be in contact with u all !!!! I'm an old programmer from the times of Clipper and Pascal hope I can help in any way !!! have connections in many servers here in Khartoum We might find one to be a mirror to sd.ubuntu.com contact me for details my email is public adilhaimoura@gmail.com
Hi haimoura, and welcome to Ubuntu forums
Ubuntu Maunal, Simply Ubuntu
we r all use facebook can u go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/167261823429371/
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