hello ! i want to interconnect two modems via rj11. one of these modems gets phone in via rj11 and spplies data to the other modem via another rj11. sholud i use the same connectons for rj11 to modem as i ve used that for rj11 phone in. i ve searched a lot on net but in vain. plzzzzzz help!
It sounds like you are interested in how to set up a dial-in/dial-out server. Here are some resources, if not for you, then for the next casual googler: Here are some resources I have found: http://pages.ssimicro.com/~jeremyc/ppp.html http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_dialin_server http://wpkg.org/Configuring_ISDN_(di...m_command_line http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/...ok/dialup.html http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/...k/dialout.html
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