OK, Let's list our blogs here, so iamalex can build it into the planet on the LoCo website. My blog, while neglected in the past, will be kept up to date. It won't be all about the Linux and Ubuntu, but will contain life stuff and other things that are or become of interest to me. Anyway, if you want to check it out be my guest. It will be getting better as time goes by, so please keep checking it out! Here's the address: http://breadthofreality.blogspot.com Post your blogs here! I will link my blog to everyone who posts theirs here. Looking forward to seeing everyone's blogs!
- Bret Pennsylvania LoCo Team Contact http://breadthofreality.blogspot.com
GNOME Do | Philly Linux Users Group | Ubuntu PA LoCo Team | Philly Critical Mass
Originally Posted by Iamalex Lamalex.wordpress.com http://Lamalex.wordpress.com/ (Make it a link.) Mine: http://www.ahotw.com
I've put a link on my blog for both andrewPCT and iamalex. Thanks!
http://aconkling.blogspot.com I'm in the same boat: I haven't updated mine in ages, but I'm more likely to if there's an audience.
I love this smiley!
Andrewski, your on!
Originally Posted by bfledderjohn Andrewski, your on!
Actually, now it is up... I forgot to save changes and lost it! :-/ But I fixed it!
I mentioned this before, but once we have the planet up and running we can add our Hackergotchis to it. Feel free to just email whatever you want to use to me (Lyz@PrincessLeia.com) and I'll put it on the planet along with your blog Also it'd be nice to know what names to assign to the blogs - your real name? Your forum nickname? Your IRC nickname? As for me - PrincessLeia2.LiveJournal.com is the one I add to planets and has comments enabled on (I run a "local" copy of my blog up at Journal.PrincessLeia.com, but I still call the LJ one my primary).
Elizabeth Krumbach // pleia2 // lyz@ubuntu.com http://princessleia.com
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