reckless2k2: Which one do you want me to add to the planet? What name should I use? stchman: do you have an RSS feed? I couldn't find it on the site. edit: oops lamalex just pointed out that you're from MO! These are for the PA planet
Last edited by elizabeth; May 30th, 2007 at 02:40 PM.
Elizabeth Krumbach // pleia2 //
Afghan, This is for the United States - Pennsylvania LoCo Team's Planet, I don't think that this is the appropriate forum for your blog (although it is interesting!).
- Bret Pennsylvania LoCo Team Contact which is basically the same as:
Hey Benji - we probably should be more specific, this is for the Pennyslvania LoCo team's planet, and it looks like you live in Maine? Nothing against Maine (certainly not from me!) but we only add people who live in Pennsylvania and are part of our LoCo team. - Lyz, who grew up in Cape Elizabeth
Last edited by elizabeth; July 18th, 2007 at 06:53 PM.
Hi, I didn't realize that, I just usually surf through new posts. It might have said that somewhere too, sorry to spoil the party . Cape Elizabeth is really nice, I have family there, I actually live in Portland though. What are you doing so far from Maine in PA? You should come back, we need more Ubuntu love in ME anyway! By the way, what's a LoCo team? Thanks,
No worries, I was happy to see your were from Maine - glad to see there is some Linux love up there! I moved away after high school (graduated in 1999), mostly because I wanted to get into IT and there weren't too many opportunities up there. I first moved to NY and have been living here in PA for the past 6 years. I keep trying to convince my husband that ME is awesome and we should move back, but he thinks it's too cold I still visit every couple of years. LoCo is short for Local/Community - they are regional groups supporting Ubuntu, more info can be found here: There isn't one for Maine yet - you should start one!
I will start a Maine LoCo team, because that is rad! Thanks, p.s. blueberries are just coming in this week, rasberries are on the way out What can I say, I like a good rant.
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Maybe someone with mod rights should rename this thread "Pennsylvania LoCo Members: Post a Link to Your Blog Here!"
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