The NU Ubuntu "Regional" LoCo Team, while not an official team has helped and inspired many LoCo State and City teams to be formed, I Thank the admins here at for helping to make this all happen. You can just check the US LoCo state team list to see that most are in the NU Ubuntu Team regional area. This is an awesome success for the Ubuntu LoCo Team endeavor, and a working model for all Ubuntu Teams internationally. State and City Teams we have helped become reality are: Ubuntu Virginia LoCo Team reference: Sticky: Virginian Ubuntu United States MA: reference: Sticky: Boston (Massachusetts) Ubuntu Users? Ubuntu NY LoCo Team reference: Sticky: Ubuntu NY Unite Ubuntu Maryland LoCo Team reference: Sticky: Maryland Loco Team Meetup (I hear it was a great meet up, which included a NU Ubuntu Team admin: macogw, as well as other Local DC Ubuntu users who are regulars to the NU Ubuntu Team meet ups in DC and Suburban Maryland) Pittsburgh Ubuntu User Group reference: Sticky: Any Pittsburgh Ubuntu Users? Pennsylvania - US LoCo Team reference: Sticky: Northeastern Team, We are here! (Pennsylvania LoCo) Connecticut Local Team reference: Sticky: Any Nutmegers (Connecticut) ? (also the Maine LoCo Team, which we just need a link to your launchpad Team page to add your team to the member list) reference: Sticky: Maine Ubuntu Users Some older teams that have joined in the NU Ubuntu Team consortium: Ubuntu United States - NJ DCTeam LoCo We still need teams for the following states: Vermont New Hampshire Rhode Island West Virginia Also there are 3 existing teams, that we need the launchpad team link for to add your LoCo teams: United States / Morgantown, WV(US-WV-Morgantown) (I fully support and encourage LoCo City and Borough Teams: I would also encourage the Morgantown Team to start an official West Virginia Team) United States / Northern Virginia (NoVATeam) please contact us with your launchpad site link to add you to the NU Ubuntu Team consortium. United States / Potsdam, NY (PNYTeam) please contact us with your launchpad site link to add you to the NU Ubuntu Team consortium. Again a reminder for everybody, that the proven effectiveness in Ubuntu LoCo team development does not have to be official, The NU Ubuntu Team is living proof of this success. I strongly encourage the development of City teams, and even Borough Teams ie: in New York City,....for in reality it is the LoCo teams themselves that will define their own reality. I also encourage all to become active and or start Local LUGs (Linux User Groups) and become more active there not just with Ubuntu but all of Linux and Open Source. If in your LoCo Team area there is not a LUG invite other distros users to participate in the UUG (Ubuntu User Group)....always keep an open mind and don't become too Ubuntu-centric, remember we are all part of a larger group that is Linux. here is a list of the current NU Ubuntu Team members, remember if your state or City Team is listed as a member, you are automatically a member of the Nu Ubuntu Team. If you want to be added as an individual member please contact macogw, Brunellus or myself, and remember to have fun with Ubuntu:
Last edited by RAV TUX; May 3rd, 2007 at 09:41 AM.
Again, a wonderful achievement for our little part of the world. It's great that we can all work together.
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