Ubuntu Satanic Edition "Fiery Spawn" is released: http://ubuntusatanic.org/ If you're bored with brown then Ubuntu SE will turn your system, well, more black. Here are some screenshots: http://ubuntusatanic.org/screenshots.php There are a number of complete themes for usplash, Gnome and KDE. Packages for both Ubuntu Feisty 7.04 and Edgy 6.10 can be installed from the secure APT repository.
Last edited by parker13; June 26th, 2007 at 05:01 PM. Reason: New domain name
MythTV Guide ~ http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php Ubuntu Satanic Edition ~ http://ubuntusatanic.org ShellSpells ~ http://shellspells.org/
Whoa!! Very nice!
Linux & Art: https://www.deviantart.com/sethstorm666
Don't think I'll use it, but man it looks sweet
Originally Posted by Tmi Don't think I'll use it, but man it looks sweet Cheers, Tmi. If you don't want to install the full thing and just like the odd wallpaper, you can download individual ones by clicking on the screenshot thumbnails: http://parker1.co.uk/ubuntu-se/scree...php#wallpapers
Fantastic work! EDIT: Love the name too!!!
It's only a matter of time before the FreeBSD types come in screaming bloody murder (and trademark dilution)
Don't be a menace to ubuntu while drinkin' your juice n da hood | | my blog my last.fm page
Originally Posted by Brunellus It's only a matter of time before the FreeBSD types come in screaming bloody murder (and trademark dilution) Hardly, the FreeBSD mascot looks like Elmer Fudd with horns!
woah, hang on a sec... that's not Elmer? Okay, now I'm miffed!
Ubuntu User #11619 | Linux User #441422 Gnome-Shell User
Originally Posted by parker13 Hardly, the FreeBSD mascot looks like Elmer Fudd with horns! ROFL!
I have the sudden urge to dig out my old Slayer records now.
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