I been away from my hometown of Helena, MT now for about 6 1/2 years. You know what that means, 2 hour drives to Missoula just to hit Best Buy. No not really cause I don't like Best buy all that much. But now that I'm moving back to be with my family, Helena just plain sucks as far as shopping for computer goodies, well except for that place called MD supply or maybe it's called MD5 supply. But I'm so excited to see some of the other changes that ma tells me about. But what the hell happened to the Gaslight theater! You mean the entire city has to crowd into the Great Northern now. I will be moving in late June and I start to look for a place at the end of May so I don't have to room with ma. Well any way I was just blown away there was enough Montana users to have a Loco team. When I think about the spirit of Ubuntu and Montana at first glance they may not appear to mesh to well. You know the hard drinking, chewing, walk into a bar and everyone looks at ya or the guns on the rack in the pickup. Now I been a hard drinking man myself in the past especially at the Nightowl and that bar off I-90 towards Clancy called Silver something but I got too tell ya that ain't all there is to Montana. Theirs quite a bit of diversity nowadays, and now I got to thinking about it, we've have all ways had quite the diversity. I don't know that I could explain it to someone who's not from Big Sky but if you think about it Linux and Ubuntu go together with Montana like a fish takes to water. You take a dash of independent spirit, some defiance, a little weatherin and some strong medicine (your favorite local brewery's liquor) and ya got yourself Ubuntu. Guess I'll have to poke in from time to time. Really don't like irc at all so won't show up there. So where's a good place in Montana to buy Computer stuff or to drop off Ubuntu cd's. I was thinkin you could dump a batch at the Project for alternative learning (my school), Capital or Helena High. What about other open source activism in Montana, like lobbying for an open document format or maybe saving government money by switching to Linux. Anyways just saying howdy. Park Lake here I come. P.S. You all know the Capital High Bruins and Carroll Saints top the other cities anytime right.
Not a lot of options in Montana overall for buying computer stuff, unless you want to go to Best Buy or Staples or something. (I have to go to Staples cause they don't have a Best Buy in Bozeman yet, I think they're building one though ) So I do most of my computer-shopping online from newegg.com. As for dropping off Ubuntu CDs, I agree that colleges and maybe high schools would be a good bet. MSU is really open-source friendly from what I can tell. They have Firefox as the default browser on most computers on campus and they also have Open Office installed on all of them. I imagine they'd be happy to help spread around some Ubuntu CDs. And you mentioned a good idea with the government lobbying... we could send a letter to the state government or something telling them about Linux, that might be a good project.
Proud Kubuntu user since 6.06 "Dapper" | The Linux Conundrum | Linux User #440899 "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master." - Commissioner Pravin Lal, SMAC
Thank god for newegg. Yeah later this year when I get back I'm going to find the local rep for my city and county government and send them information about Linux and open doc. I'll have to read up on how to be effective on encouraging open source in government without being a fan boy, got to be realistic. I don't want make claims I can't support. I will start with OpenDoc first though as free and open access to our government information is most important. The local cities and counties are a great place to start. One of the things I will need to be careful with is the idea that open source saves money. Money is a complicated issue, especially in government.
Welcome Home feisty_hot_lover ! I am in Helena as well. There is a Helena LUG and I teach a Linux course at the Adult Learning Center. The Montana LoCo is just starting and we (I) could use a few enthusiastic folks on the team ! PM me your contact info once you hit the ground. WARNING: bodhi is more of the skiing/tree hugging type then the drinking/chewing type
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. --Prince Gautama Siddharta #ubuntuforums web interface
move to missoula guys...
Originally Posted by lunaz move to missoula guys... Too many people. Helena is starting to get too many people too. Traffic woes sum it up nicely for me. Still Missoula is nice too. Hey bodhi the skiing/tree hugging type, I like them too.
Howdy. I am in Helena too. I am a mixed platform user (40% Linux; 40% Windows; 20% OS X) and I guess I had no idea there was a Linux class here. What Adult Learning Center are you talking about? With teh school district? (I am a teacher in Helena). Jason P.S. Missoula drives me nuts. I am the lefty, tree-huggin' hippy type, but still...
Originally Posted by JasonPN Howdy. I am in Helena too. I am a mixed platform user (40% Linux; 40% Windows; 20% OS X) and I guess I had no idea there was a Linux class here. What Adult Learning Center are you talking about? With teh school district? (I am a teacher in Helena). Good, you can help me build an edubuntu cluster as my children come up through the school system Jason P.S. Missoula drives me nuts. I am the lefty, tree-huggin' hippy type, but still... The Adult Education Center Contact Jake Gustin (406) 324-2119 I offer an 8 week course. The adult ed center provides computers for the class room. Cost is reasonable, I donate the $ they pay me back to the Adult Ed Center (not much I know, but it helps them). Frequency of the course depends on demand. As a part of the course I give out Ubuntu desktop edition, although if there are hardware problems, I will give an alternate distro and have been known to Sabayon (Beryl he he he ... , caries quite the pizzaz and flash I need to get their attention, can't wait for do that on the Ubuntu Live CD). Content of 2/8 weeks is determined by user needs (we did servers and networking last session). Hippies welcome
Originally Posted by bodhi.zazen The Adult Education Center Contact Jake Gustin (406) 324-2119 The Adult Education center is that on Front street or is that different from where you go to get a GED. My last 2 years of school were at P.A. L., Project for Alternative Learning. There are so many great schools in Helena. You have your pick of the lot.
Originally Posted by feisty_hot_lover The Adult Education center is that on Front street or is that different from where you go to get a GED. My last 2 years of school were at P.A. L., Project for Alternative Learning. There are so many great schools in Helena. You have your pick of the lot. That's it That is why I donate back the the ALC, give back to the community
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