What computers are you using at Front Street? I teach a number of technology workshops for teachers in the district. I now teach exclusively at the Capital HS library but I used to use Front Street. Is it still all Macs or do they have some PCs now?
Originally Posted by JasonPN What computers are you using at Front Street? I teach a number of technology workshops for teachers in the district. I now teach exclusively at the Capital HS library but I used to use Front Street. Is it still all Macs or do they have some PCs now? Wow, it is fantastic to see all this local interest. It would be great to expand and offer some instruction at the high school level. They (The Adult Learning Center) have a suite of PC's now. They are actually fairly decent boxes and by mutual agreement we disconnect the HD before booting our live Linux CD's (mutual security). They have one box set up with a projector so I can literally walk students through more complex steps. All in all I was quite pleased with the facility and would like to see the program grow.
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. --Prince Gautama Siddharta #ubuntuforums web interface
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I just tonight discovered this section of the Ubuntu forums. Are people still in Helena still needing help? I'm a new Ubuntu user. I have a passing familiarity with linux, nothing on an expert level but manage to finagle my way around the OS. I have to say that I've been pleasantly surprised with how far Linux has come. I'm currently dual booting right now.
Welcome Well, I am in Helena and am planning to run an adult education Linux (Ubuntu) course at the adult education center in Helena this fall. If I can be of any assistance, drop me a line
u guys all need to move to missoula! i looked at the adult ed catalog we had @ work & there was no linux stuff at all..
maybe coming back to linux soon! need new computer
I am not sure my course is listed in the catalog ...
bodhi.zazen, I want to suggest to you to either start up a new HelenaLUG or talk with Ken to see if your Helena Linux users here who have piped up in this thread could rouse him into having more regular meetings. (Bad grammar I know.) Ken means well, but needs to be more vocal in the community online to advertise the existence of the HelenaLUG. BTW, for those who don't know, it is at http://www.helenalug.org Anyway I hope you all would consider this. Go Bodhi go! -- Warren
I saw the Helena LUG but there haven't been any meetings since I've around. Granted, I've only been at this for a couple of months.
OK, a quick update : First I missed the dead line for my linux course this fall Plan to run the course in the winter semester ... Second, I would love to kick start the Helena LUG ... Anyone else interested ?
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