Is there anyway we can do semi-professional cd distro? Does anyone know how to a) screen print cds b) how well those "printable cds" work or c) know anyone who can print cds for us cheaply? Hand burned/labeled isos work, but not the ideal situation. So can we make our own semi-pro feisty cds?
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I can automate burning CDs with my Sony XL1B2. It can burn 200 CDs in approximately 20 hours. The only problem is the labeling. I have a Lightscribe drive but I can't automate that ... yet. It may be possible to replace the drive one of my XL1B2s with a Lightscribe drive. My guess is that it's cheaper to simply get a batch of CD-R disks silkscreened with our own LoCo info. Then we can do the burning ourselves.
we caneven just buy like an epson ink jet labeler, unless someone here knows how to silkscreen and has access to silk screening equipment. I'm up for a burning/labeling party. pizza and ubuntu, two great flavours that go great together.
I don't know much about CD silk screening but I did a quick search on services. I found some places that were about $300 to silkscreen the first 100 CDs. Looks like digital printing is about $150. I'm not clear on the big difference. I looked at this place for some rough numbers. If we went the Lightscribe path (no color) it would only cost us $76 for 200 blank Lightscribe disks but it will take forever to complete without some kind of automation. Perhaps I'm looking at this wrong. How many CDs do you think we'll need per month or year?
Depends what we want to do, if just for our own purposes, not many but if we want to hand them out to people in public, probably a lot.
We also need to have a budget in mind. The cost of something is always equated to time+money. I am a student, so i have a lot of time, not a lot of money.
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