Hi all, I'm Bob from NE PA. I have been using Ubuntu for about a year and a half. No windows in my house for years. I came from Debian Sarge testing - smoke poured out of the back of that PIII 500 machine. Now I'm running a PIII 700 Dell with Dapper. Before that Caldera ( boo SCO) in dual boot with Win 98 - used Win 98 to print and convert Word files to US English so copy editors could spell check. Avid user of Linux since 1999. Taught my wife how to use Dapper and she loves it - won't go back to Win. Good luck all bob carbonbasedmistake
Thagoat signing in from NEPA! Glad to see other Ubuntu eggheads from PA. I was starting think that no one else in NEPA had seen the light. But Bob you have! I've been busy spreading the open-source word to all my friends, but alas, some may never break free from the mind control that ******* has over people. Anyway it's good to know I'm not the only nerd in North East Pencilvania!!
Add me to the list of NEPA Ubuntu users. I'm using a dual boot right now ONLY because I have a special handwriting font and program that works as a micro in MS Word. So far I can't coax it to run in Open Office with Wine. If it weren't for that, I'd chuck Windows completely. Where in NEPA are you folks from? I'm in Wilkes-Barre. Appropriately enough, home of the Pittsburgh Penguins farm team.
Greetings to the Ubunteros from NEPA from Harrisburg! Hey if you folks have launchpad accounts, I would love to add you to the Pennsylvania LoCo team. If you don't have a Launchpad account, you can set one up here: https://launchpad.net/+login It's good to hear from other local Ubuntu fans! You guys should think about having a meetup (if you are close enough to each other)! Let us know if that works out, and I look forward to talking to you again! Once again, if you wish to be a part of the team register in Launchpad and request to join the Pennsylvania LoCo Team.
- Bret Pennsylvania LoCo Team Contact http://breadthofreality.blogspot.com
Wilkes-Barre, that's pretty close to home. I live in Berwick, the most wonderfully depressing of towns. So anyone going to upgrade to feisty next month? I want to see the new Gnome and the new kernel. But I have so many hours l of installs and tweaks into edgy that I'm a little apprehensive about a fresh install. And from what I understand the settings transfer wizard is still kinda buggy. Guess I'll just play it by ear!!
thagoat, I was in Berwick for a funeral three weeks ago. We go up there a couple times a year for my wife's family. -Bret
Sorry that it was a funeral that brought you here, but that's pretty wild that your wife has family here. I've been living here for 13 years now. My whole family lives here. Is your wife originally from Berwickor nearby?
My wife is actually from Towanda, but her mother grew up near Berwick, and most of my wife's cousins are still in the Berwick area. She did go to Bloomsburg U. though, so she did live close for 6 years (got her masters in speech language pathology).
Berwick! Cool. There's a wonderful glow to Berwick. Oh, wait, that's the power plant! (If you work at the power plant, no offense was intended.) I'm going to upgrade to Feisty when it comes out. I'm using Edgy now. I'm a little disappointed to hear that the Transfer Wizard is buggy. That was one of the features that I was looking forward to. I have so much stuff that I want to port over. What exactly have you heard? BTW someone was mentioning launchpad. I'm on launchpad as Dave Jaye. That's my stage name, I use it on-line to protect the innocent. I spent a lot of time in Towanda when I was a kid (Almost 40 years ago.) I'm from Tunkhannock originally and friends of my parents lived in Towanda. Who would have thought that an OS would be capable of bringing people together like this.
The world is definitely shrinking! Btw, I will be upgrading to Feisty on my two laptops first to see how it goes. I'll update the desktop later after I make sure nothing catastrophic will happen.
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