Just thought I would post this link in case it is helpful to anyone. http://www.montanalinux.org/ There are Linux groups in Billings, Bozeman, and Helena.
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. --Prince Gautama Siddharta #ubuntuforums web interface
Hmm that's neat, I didn't know there was a Linux group in Bozeman... I'll have to look into that.
Proud Kubuntu user since 6.06 "Dapper" | The Linux Conundrum | Linux User #440899 "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master." - Commissioner Pravin Lal, SMAC
Why can't there be one in Missoula? Jim
Originally Posted by jhofmann Why can't there be one in Missoula? Jim Should we take that as an offer to start one ?
that would be good!
Originally Posted by jhofmann Why can't there be one in Missoula? Jim Years ago there was an established LUG at the U. Guessing late 90's. I highly encourage anyone interested in starting it back up! Don't discount yourself because you think you don't know enough about Linux. Find someone who would like to speak about something then just organize the meeting place and announcements.
i don't go to the U, but if there's a group there could i still join it? lol, what department would i contact to see if there's anything still going on?
Originally Posted by lunaz i don't go to the U, but if there's a group there could i still join it? lol, what department would i contact to see if there's anything still going on? Good question. I don't think it was restricted to students/alumni. I also believe it was just hosted by the university. Trust me, I'm pretty sure if a current LUG exists in Missoula it's not an official LUG. You could check with the CS dept and try recruiting some of them!
Hello all, I am intrested in starting a group here in Missoula MT, I think the best way to get things rolling is to have a email list. Email me if you would like to get involved. GreenerComputingSolutions@Gmail.com
Here is a mailing list for a Missoula LUG Tomrrow is their next meeting, as is the 1st Thursday of every month. Now its usually at The Break. http://groups.google.com/group/msla-lug
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