Now I know there are other Ubuntu (Linux) users in Montana Lets LoCo !
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting. --Prince Gautama Siddharta #ubuntuforums web interface
Awesome, we've got our own group now! Anyone else besides just us?
Proud Kubuntu user since 6.06 "Dapper" | The Linux Conundrum | Linux User #440899 "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master." - Commissioner Pravin Lal, SMAC
Pikestaff: Good to see you found the Montana LoCo Forum I started an irc channel as well ... It is on freenode at #ubuntu-montana Come on by if you like, although the channel has not seen much traffic as of yet If you run across any others from Montana ~ invite 'em to the forum.
Originally Posted by bodhi.zazen Now I know there are other Ubuntu (Linux) users in Montana Lets LoCo ! simply awesome a Montana team!....with a great team leader!
Good to see you too Rav You found us fast ...
Awesome, I'll keep an eye out for anybody else from Montana... and I'll drop by the IRC channel sometime soon too!
me!!!! i'm in missoula. i now have ubuntu on both my comps, no dual boot. still getting things set up.
That's awesome, I have Ubuntu on two computers too... it's on both my laptop and my desktop... no dual boot either. No more Windows for me I'm in Bozeman though
damn, i'm trying to find ppl in missoula who are into linux, hard time so far.
lunaz : This is the point of LoCo ! I think there are a number of folks in Missoula, I think there is a Linux group there ... We need to build a team. If you are interested, lets build one Go to Launchpad : Register Join the Montana LoCo : Lets start a strong Montana Team Also, if you IRC, I started a montana channel Freenode #ubuntu-montana Come on in and say "hi"
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