Whats up to anyone who sees this. I live in Pa., work in Jersey (West Mercer County to be exact). Installed Ubuntu about a week and a half ago. Every day I'm amazed with something else it can do. Still learning the ropes with it, but I will damn sure help get the word out about it.
Hi there Bob Glad to see you're enjoying Ubuntu. If you wanted to get involved with the LoCo team, check out the wiki page, and my post about a future meeting.
New Jersey LoCo Team LaunchPad | Wiki | JoeTerranova.net
Joe, (other members) I've been very interested in helping out in the OSS world cause I think the whole concept is amazing. However, i've been so intimidated by these HUGE groups/linux users who bite, that I haven't done anything. Ok, i know not everyone bites, but the ones who do are the reason that there isn't more collaboration. That being said, i'm trying to find a group that fits me properly. And it seems like i've stumbled into the right place. I am proposing that you put a "sticky" on this forum, where everyone lists a spot of personal information. I want to know more about you (as the starter of the group), and who my peers are in this community. I was thinking along the lines of Name, (approx.) Age, Occupation, County/Town residence, School/College, a few personal interests. I realize we all have profiles, but who actually fills that out? It could also help us get a better understanding of what type of group we've got here - do we have a ubuntu PR group? supprort group? Development group? conquering the world group? As well as open up dialogue for different reasons. I've just joined, and this is my first impression. Any thoughts? Vik
./vik http://www.xckd.com/c210.html Genius in comic form.
i'll go. My name is Rick. I live near Clinton, NJ I work in Andover NJ I am a sales representative for a building materials company I am 25 I graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison NJ in 2k4 I have a BS in Comp Sci I have 3 Micro$oft certifications (MCP, MCDST, MCSA) I hate my job and want a new one. -any offers? I am a diehard Steelers fan I love drinking, video games, drinking while playing video games, drinking games while playing videos, and any combination thereof I love snowboarding I have taken hang gliding lessons and its awesome, but i cant afford it anymore I am getting married soon I am addicted to call of duty 3 on xbox 360 I watch The Black Donnelly's, House, and Grey's Anatomy religiously I yell at the TV during Deal Or No Deal. i know they cant hear, but sometimes you just gotta let it all out, and crying in front of your friends is unacceptable. lastly, i am a TOTAL n00b at this linux thing. i have tried it in the past but for various reasons i always went back to windows. now, in an effort to save my soul, i am quitting my life as a software pirate. hahaha just kidding! i already sold my soul for $100 (beer money) back in college. ugh i am such an idiot... i'm SURE i coulda gotten 150... in all honesty i want to learn linux. all my life i have been a windows user and advocate. i have come to the realization, however, that because it's familiar and because i know it well, it is not necessarily better. i think its aboot time i jumped off the bandwagon and figured it out for myself. thats bout it i guess. rock on.
Rick, That's exactly what i wanted. Just want to know who's who in the world of ubuntu-nj-us Congrats on getting married soon. I'll follow suit. My name is Vik, and I live in East Brunswick, NJ (middlesex county). I am a supply chain analyst working for Cordis Endovascular (warren nj) currently, switching to Lifecell corporation (raritan nj) in mid-April. I graduated from Rutgers Engineering with a BS in Industrial in May 2k6, and am 22 years of age. Done some cool projects involving RFID and lots of vb/vba programming. (hey,shutup) I too enjoy drinking and video games (inlcuding, but not limited to, smash brothers). Also darts, pool, jumping off of buildings, going into construction sites, laser tag on golfcourses, and some things i'd rather not mention. Not a big tv fan, but do watch shows - familyguy,futurama,arresteddev,scrubs,office(uk/us),extras. Play drums, guitar, boards, and pretend i can sing. I read digg, /., reddit damn near all day. Thinking about getting involved in ubuntu-studio. word. Been watching idol cause my girlfriend makes me. Been using linux on and off, but kept having to go back for work/school purposes. Sold on the concept of FOSS/Linux, but not sold on any specific distro/OS. I AM tired of lock-in (drm, rootkits, all that), so i'm looking for options! I'm not a noob, persay, but my knowledge is quite limited - basically only to things i've had problems with. But i'm ready to go on projects/learning. You silly man, you can't eat all those hamburgers.
Hey there I'm Joe. I'm 20, I go to school at NJIT in Newark, I work in Freehold, and I live in Cherry Hill. I'm a 3rd year CS major at NJIT. For work I'm a PHP developer, debugger, and support tech. My main interests outside of computers are some video gaming (I play neverwinter nights with my roommate, and I have a Wii), and roleplaying (preferably Vampire, which I'm writing a setting for). I've been using linux on an off since 8th grade. I started with Mandrake (7 or so, I don't remember anymore), moved to Slackware, moved to Gentoo, moved back to Windows after Gentoo and then moved to Ubuntu 3 months later. I've been using Ubuntu since the tail end of Warty Warthog. What's the team for? I wouldn't say it's development -- I plan on it mostly a combination or PR, support, and conquering the world. If you look on the wiki I have ideas about a LAN party, but those are just my ideas and aren't set in stone.
My name is Chris. I'm anti-social.
Alfredo 35 Married 2 kids Self Employed Bloomfield NJ Like mellow wine and strong cigars. In the late '90s I had a home network of Win98, 2k, MacOS 9 and RedHat all hooked to each other I had fun getting everything up and running but did not know what to do with it. So I bought a boat and forgot a about the PCs. Last week i was about to trow out an old laptop when i decided to try Xubuntu on it. Installation was painless and the wireless worked right away. Motivated by this I installed Ubuntu on an old Mac, it too is running great. I'm a total newbie i don't even know how to install a flash player for Firefox! But, I'm looking forward squeezing some life out of my old equipment and keeping my hard earned cash away from Mr. Gates. Cheers! A.
My name's Kevin I'm president of my High School Computer Club I play trumpet and guitar (i'm in the concert, jazz, marching, and basketball pep bands at my school) I'm unemployed I play a lot of PC games and I'm a big FPS and RTS fan. I just broke up with my girlfriend last week I like making stuff in Flash I drink an incredible amount of apple juice I'm fluent in Liberty BASIC I like building, tearing apart, etc. computers I make chainmaille (http://www.mailleartisans.org/) and I have a new web site, Flank.co.nr...theres not much there but the forum is growing...i'd really appreciate it if someone from here took a look at it and possibly joined because most of the people there now arent really doing a lot to make it that great. This is a picture of where I am right now: pretty messy, i know.
Bryan, 21, Information Systems student at Drexel University, Junior Live in Cherry Hill RTS, FPS Games, and of course Super Smash World Domination TV Shows: Stargate, Heroes... I like to think of our goal as bringing the power of computing back to the people. Of course I usually think to big and don't actually accomplish anything.
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