ok not really, but that is what I thought of, I am actually downloading the Felinux 0.4.2(1.7 GB DVD) now: http://www.fmtec.it/felinux/index.php
Up to date Slack with full desktop and apps... Sounds like a non-LiveCD Wolvix, not bad. The site needs an English translation though, Italian only might scare a few people off. Also if I understood correctly you will be left with an Italian KDE after installation (not that it's hard to switch to English). Should be plenty fast (Arch/Gentoo territory). Let us know how it goes if you get it to install.
Originally Posted by manmower Up to date Slack with full desktop and apps... Sounds like a non-LiveCD Wolvix, not bad. The site needs an English translation though, Italian only might scare a few people off. Also if I understood correctly you will be left with an Italian KDE after installation (not that it's hard to switch to English). Should be plenty fast (Arch/Gentoo territory). Let us know how it goes if you get it to install. download took to long I grew impatient.
If i could name a future linux distro it would be azirat after my pet rat
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