I've been tempted to go in a Office Max, or Office Depot, and load the a Ubuntu page on Internet Explorer on all the display computers, especially a UNR page on all the netbooks Even better, burn a few copies of Ubuntu to CD, put it in all those display computers, and reboot, heh heh. Another snowstorm for the Ozarks. WhoooHooo !
Originally Posted by kwadroke cloyd: I'd check out NWALUG. Here's their url for the mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/nwalug Thanks. I went to the site and joined. This could be fun.
hey guys just found this! I'm from Mountian View,actually quite a few users in this area. as I've installed Linux around here for the last year or so. nice to see there are other smart people around the state
Hi, Burfoot. I'm running Mint at home, Ubuntu at work. My Windows machine is virtual, I do AD-related stuff there. I also develop intranet sites with Dreamweaver. I've recently migrated our intranet to a CentOS machine that is AD-aware. My favorite feature is seeing all of those Windows shares that end with "$".
KegHead from the Land of Lincoln
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