10:51 <@ atoponce> | some teams are covering large regions. *very* large regions
10:51 < sn9> | second thing would be a consistent migration path for teams set up prior to the requirements
10:51 <@ atoponce> | there is the pacific-northwest team, the midwest team, and the northeastern team
10:52 <@ atoponce> | all 3 cover many states
10:52 <@ atoponce> | the problem i have with this convention, is the inability to hold in-person meetings
10:52 <@ atoponce> | however, with that said, there are some states where the demographics just don't support a state loco team
10:53 < sn9> | well, in some states, that problem would persist even with a state team
10:53 <@ atoponce> | so, i'm open to suggestions on this. i would like to see each team have it's own state loco, but that might not be possible
10:53 < sn9> | in-person meeting problem, that is
10:53 < JoeyStanfor> | I agree this is a problem. sn9 is also correct. I am not in favour of massive multi-state groups because by definition they cannot be effective.
10:53 <@ atoponce> | and with some states, even as sn9 poined out, it's still very difficult
10:53 <@ atoponce> | like texas
10:54 <@ Zelut> | I prefer the method of a state-based overall team and regional localization within
10:54 < sn9> | or AK, or CA
10:54 <@ atoponce> | sn9: exactly