ParolaPass: The Password Generator From the author of Bonager: The Boot Scan Manager ParolaPass is a secure password generator with support for many types of passwords. A very useful utility to fight against identity theft and crackers. Uses very powerful password generation algorithms. ParolaPass uses multiple algorithms depending on your needs. Easy to use, easy to install. Two clicks is all you need to do anything in ParolaPass. FEATURES:Ability to generate up to 100 passwords at a time *Passwords may be up to 100 characters in length *Notices when passwords are deemed too insecure7 different password strength optionsDifferent password types, including numbers-only (PIN) passwordsNo configuration neededParolaPass is also very safe to use. No configuration files, no cruft on your hard drive. And removing ParolaPass is easy! Just use your package manager. INSTRUCTIONS: Before you install, you must download the installation program (deb file) given below.Installation: 1) double-click on the deb file 2) click "Install"Starting ParolaPass: 1) click Applications -> Accessories -> ParolaPassQuiting ParolaPass: 1) click File -> Quit (or hit the "X" button)Using ParolaPass: 1) Choose password strength 2) click "OK"Simple, easy, elegant and fast. * Please note: it is not recommended to use very high (over 20) password length and a large password count (over 20) at the same time on slower computers. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Q: Does ParolaPass support Dapper AND Edgy (and Feisty?)? A: Yes. ParolaPass now supports both Dapper AND Edgy (and Feisty)! Q: Does ParolaPass support KDE (Kubuntu)? A: No, ParolaPass does not support KDE right now. There are no plans for a KDE version of ParolaPass. Q: Does ParolaPass support XFCE (Xubuntu)? A: Yes, it should work. However, it has not been tested. Please post your results if you use ParolaPass on XFCE. SCREENSHOTS: (version 0.1) [weak (but pronounceable) stength] [using PIN option] ["uncrackable" passwords] [applications menu location] DOWNLOAD: >>> ParolaPass v0.1 <<< REQUIREMENTS: python (>=2.4), python-gnome2 (>=2.14.2), python-gtk2 (>=2.8.6), apg (>=2.2.3) SUGGESTIONS, CRITICISMS & FEEDBACK: Please make suggestions and criticisms in this forum. Any feedback about ParolaPass is VERY much appreciated!
Last edited by AgenT; November 16th, 2006 at 08:13 PM.
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Very nice... I'll have to try this out soon.
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Does it have the function to store the generated passwords and protect those by a master password? Since with "uncrackable" pass, it's also "immemorizable" pass, then it's inconvenient to store the generated pass elsewhere. However, this app is definitely useful
.:.:.[)[@[)|2.:.:. "Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side-effect." -- Linus Torvald.
Originally Posted by DC@DR Does it have the function to store the generated passwords and protect those by a master password? Since with "uncrackable" pass, it's also "immemorizable" pass, then it's inconvenient to store the generated pass elsewhere. However, this app is definitely useful Never thought of making ParolaPass function in this way. It is true that an "ucrackable" password is also one that is very hard to memorize (although, with enough time, it is memorizable). This is why there are levels of strength presented. Also, the "Strongest" strength differs greatly with "Very Strong" because the latter does not include non-standard characters. Yet "Very Strong" produces very strong passwords that are very difficult to crack but are much easier to memorize. There is one cavet in making an addition to ParolaPass such as you describe: this feature already exists in GNOME by default (at least in Ubuntu). The Keyring Manager is made for one function: memorizing passwords and hiding them behind a master password. The Keyring Manager is also tightly integrated with GNOME so that it can be used with a lot of programs. This makes the combination of ParolaPass and Keyring Manager a great one. It is because Keyring Manager already exists that maybe it would not be a good idea to include the same functionality into ParolaPass. What do you think?
Maybe you should do some ParolaPass and Keyring Manager integration.
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This is a great app... you can include an option for "forced" letters, for example if I want the password to include my nickname and my birthday and the password to be 20 characters long, it'll generate something like: ?"040983_[sonny]_?yh that way the password would be more easy to remember.
Free your mind...
Looks like a fantastic app (functions like one, too!) Good Job!
Originally Posted by AgenT Never thought of making ParolaPass function in this way. It is true that an "ucrackable" password is also one that is very hard to memorize (although, with enough time, it is memorizable). This is why there are levels of strength presented. Also, the "Strongest" strength differs greatly with "Very Strong" because the latter does not include non-standard characters. Yet "Very Strong" produces very strong passwords that are very difficult to crack but are much easier to memorize. There is one cavet in making an addition to ParolaPass such as you describe: this feature already exists in GNOME by default (at least in Ubuntu). The Keyring Manager is made for one function: memorizing passwords and hiding them behind a master password. The Keyring Manager is also tightly integrated with GNOME so that it can be used with a lot of programs. This makes the combination of ParolaPass and Keyring Manager a great one. It is because Keyring Manager already exists that maybe it would not be a good idea to include the same functionality into ParolaPass. What do you think? I find the Gnome keyring manager to be the most annoying part of Gnome. Granted, I haven't used it broadly, but it appears to be impossible to change a password--even the master password--without a bunch of hacking. I use WPA on my wireless network, so I'm forced to use network-manager-gnome, as the standard tools are too dumb to understand WPA. When you enter the network key into nm-applet, the keyring manager pops up and requests a password, which can't be changes, as far as I can tell. Furthermore, I can't change my WPA key, because the keyring manager has it buried somewhere inaccessible. And it isn't just that it's encrypted. It can't be accessed or changed at all through any discoverable means. I'd hate to see any other apps touch the keyring manager given how broken it is.
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Originally Posted by AgenT FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Q: Does ParolaPass support Dapper AND Edgy (and Feisty?)? A: Yes. ParolaPass now supports both Dapper AND Edgy (and Feisty)! <snip> REQUIREMENTS: python (>=2.4), python-gnome2 (>=2.14.2), python-gtk2 (>=2.8.6), apg (>=2.2.3) I'm running Dapper with python-gnome2 version 2.12.4-0ubuntu1. A later version isn't available in any repository I have (including dapper-backports). You say that ParolaPass supports Dapper. How can I get the needed dependencies? EDIT: I installed it on my Edgy machine--I like it. Now, if I could only use it on my main machine, which I haven't yet been willing to risk upgrading.
Last edited by mssever; November 21st, 2006 at 07:48 AM.
Originally Posted by mssever I'm running Dapper with python-gnome2 version 2.12.4-0ubuntu1. A later version isn't available in any repository I have (including dapper-backports). You say that ParolaPass supports Dapper. How can I get the needed dependencies? EDIT: I installed it on my Edgy machine--I like it. Now, if I could only use it on my main machine, which I haven't yet been willing to risk upgrading. Thank you for pointing this out. It may have been a mistake in the dependency requirements. I will look into it.
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