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Thread: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Umeå, Sweden
    Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

    HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    This HOWTO will describe how to install uTorrent on your Linux desktop using wine and how to get a more suitable tray icon using alltray

    First of all we need to add a new repo (for dapper, but works in edgy):

    sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
    Add this to the end, save and quit:

    deb dapper main dupdate french
    deb ubuntu main dupdate french
    Now to install wine and alltray:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install alltray wine
    Now, download and "install" uTorrent 1.6 (or any other (standalone) version):

    mkdir .utorrent
    cd .utorrent
    wget (<-- executable
    wget (<-- icon)
    now, we will create a menu entry for uTorrent:

    sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/utorrent.desktop
    You should now have an empty file, copy & paste this (and replace the highlighted areas):

    [Desktop Entry]
    GenericName=BitTorrent Client
    Exec=alltray --icon /home/<username>/.utorrent/utorrenteh8.png wine /home/<username>/.utorrent/utorrent.exe
    Save the file and close gedit.
    To refresh gnome-panel type: killall gnome-panel

    uTorrent Should now be found in the Network menu.


    Remember to disable to original tray icon in preferences.


    I am using winXP and Ubuntu together. And I really like utorrent. I also do switch between two OS's regularly. So I needed to find a way to resume my torrents in both OS's. I finally acknowledged it. And I am writing this tutorial to the forum because ******* related issues are not that mentioned in the ubuntu forums. I hope it will help.

    First of all:

    1. I did this with Ubuntu Feisty 7.04. i386 build and Windows XP pro 32-bit.

    2. I used utorrent 1.7.2.

    3. I like explaining things in detail in order to avoid future misunderstandings. And I will not only explain how but why I am doing things to. So be patient.

    FIRST STEP [Installing uTorrent on XP]

    1. Download utorrent 1.7.2 from

    2. Execute utorrent.exe and when it prompts you to install it say NO. (If you say yes it will create some shortcuts and registry items which we do not like)

    3. Place the executable to a folder of your choice say


    4. Run utorrent once, and then exit.

    5. The folder utorrent will be created at C:\Documents and

    Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data\

    6. Copy the contents of this folder in the same place you placed
    utorrent.exe (this will somehow change how utorrent behaves. Now it will be more standalone and will not create folders and items in distant places but write anything on the folder where the executable is contained)

    7. Create another folder in the folder of the executable called 'torrents'. (We will choose the option to store torrents here this is essential for continuity because when we run utorrent from Linux we will make it look into this folder too, otherwise it will store torrents in Application Data)

    8. Run utorrent again. And assign the folder locations for downloaded and finished torrents(choose a win drive because we want both XP and Linux to write the downloads and XP cannot write to the LInux Partitions).

    In Options->Preferences->Downloads. And also
    go to Options->Preferences->Other and choose your torrent storeage folder as the one we created at step 7.

    9. Windows part is finished.

    SECOND STEP [Installing and Configuring WINE]

    Wine is a windows application layer for Linux systems. It runs windows programs.

    1. Get the latest WINE. Open up the terminal and type this to add the repository's key to your system's list of trusted APT keys

    wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
    Then add the reposiotry by typing:

    sudo wget -O
    Then update the package database

    sudo apt-get update
    And install wine

    sudo apt-get install wine
    2. Configuring Wine

    Now this is very important. Your drive where utorrent.exe is in and where your download locations are in must be recognized by Wine.
    Wine uses symbolic links to assign drive letters. Wine also has a terrible habit of assigning your cdrom devices from D: to where they stop. If you have 2 cdrom devices d: and f: wil be taken. And Z: will be the root filesystem of your linux. So we will not mess with cdrom drive letters and Z:.

    First let us make Wine recognize your homefolder. This is important because it can cause crashes in wine.

    sudo ln -s /home/<USERNAME>/ ~/.wine/dosdevices/h:
    This will make your home folder H: in Wine. Now we need to make Wine know of your other drive related with utorrent. Let
    us call it T:.

    sudo ln -s /<Where yout torrent related drive is mounted in Linux> ~/.wine/dosdevices/T:
    Before going to the last part. Let us make sure Wine runs with XP layer. It defaults to Win2000 layer and it causes black backgrounds in utorrent.

    sudo wine winecfg
    This will run the configuration window. If you do not sudo it it will not
    save the configuration. Change Windows2000 to XP from there then click apply then OK.

    3. Wine configuration is finished

    THIRD STEP (Executing utorrent in Linux and configuring it AKA The End)

    Now type:

    wine /<Complete path of utorrent.exe>
    Again you will probably see the install prompt. Choose No. If you do not see the utorrent window. Look at your tray icons and rightclick on it. Then choose hide/show utorrent. (By the way we will minimize and maximize utorrent like this, otherwise it will cause problems minimizing or maximizing)When utorrent executes. Make your port configurations and so, also choose your unfinished, finished download locations and torrent storage folder. These will the same as the ones you chose in XP with the difference of T: replaced by <Your Drive Letter>:.

    ADDENDUM (Writing on ntfs partitions)

    If the finished and unfinished download folders are on NTFS partitions you will have to make them writeable. Here is how:

    Go to Synaptic Package Manager and search for ntfs-3g. Install it. (This lets you write on NTFS partitions).


    sudo gedit /etc/fstab
    On the configuration file replace ''ntfs'' with ''ntfs-3g'' and save the file.

    And if everything works perfect. You have achieved your solution.

    If you come across any problems post it here. I am still a newbie and I may not be able to assist you with complicated problems. But can lead you to an expert. The only dangerous thing to do on this post is writing on the /etc/fstab. If you are not sure what to do. Ask before applying.

    Thanks and good days to all.
    Last edited by Kimm; August 18th, 2007 at 02:11 PM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    in what repro does alltray live?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Umeå, Sweden
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    Re: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    Quote Originally Posted by NESFreak View Post
    in what repro does alltray live?
    Oh damn, I thought it was in the standard Ubuntu repo...

    My cross-platform python modules for PVA or population simulation, written in Ubuntu!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    Thank you. Great work We should get some more nice tut's like this and stand alone apps for ******* Xpee..

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

    Re: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    I find that Utorrent works fine without alltray.....just configure it in winecfg to be an XP program instead of 2K

    I even get it to run on startup:
    wine /home/username/utorrent.exe

    Easy!!! and the default, nicer utorrent icon in the icon area.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    How do I set uTorrent to be the default for torrent files?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    All I did was right click on a already dloaded .torrent file, go to properties and open with, then add and finally 'use a custome command':

    wine /path_to_utorrent/utorrent.exe

    when Firefox asks me what to do with the torrent, I say dload to desktop, then because I use download statusbar addon, I just double click to open the dloaded file in Firefox, and utorrent pops up

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Faroe Islands

    Re: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    Not to be rude, but in my opinion this is a far better utorrent icon than the one you use in your guide:

    commands to get and install:
    cd ~/.utorrent
    sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/utorrent.desktop
    Now change this line:

    and remember to change <username> to your real computer login username.

    People are, as always, free to do as they like
    Last edited by Sammi; January 13th, 2007 at 08:09 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    I have this working... Kinda. I get a tray icon, all looks nice, but it will only show utorrent. If I try to hide it via the icon menu, nothing happens. Same if I select exit, except the alltray app seems to close. Any idea?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Lisbon, Portugal

    Re: HOWTO: wine + uTorrent with native Tray icon

    Quote Originally Posted by ba5e View Post
    I find that Utorrent works fine without alltray.....just configure it in winecfg to be an XP program instead of 2K

    I even get it to run on startup:
    wine /home/username/utorrent.exe

    Easy!!! and the default, nicer utorrent icon in the icon area.
    How do you change the default tray icon so you don't get that ugly white background?

    I also can't open .torrent files directly with uTorrent. It says "failed to open /home/raul: access denied!"

    any ideas?
    Last edited by raul_; January 7th, 2007 at 10:08 PM.
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