The Linux World Expo is currently in full-swing at the Olympia Exhibition centre, in London. Many exhibitors including HP, IBM and and Novell/Suse are present with a lively atmosphere all around.
On hand: Ubuntu UK Locoteam
Over in the .Org village for smaller Free Software projects, are everyone from MythTV and Debian UK to the desktops KDE and GNOME. Right in the middle of the throng there’s the Ubuntu UK group which has been completely packed for most of the show. Interested punters have encircled the Ubuntu presenters watching the demonstrations in awe.</p> 57 varieties! Credit: Simon Morris
London-based Qube Networks employed a team of African dancers to promote their stand, touring around the show floor and performing warrior dancers in front of their competitors. At the start of the exhibition, many show attendees were wondering which company or project the dancers were representing, the group were quicking nick-named the Ubuntu dancers. I think the Ubuntu UK team would like to send their appreciations to Qube for such entertainments!
Mistaken identity: “Ubuntu Dudes”
thanks to Qube. Credit: Simon Morris
Lots of Ubuntu and Kubuntus CDs have been handed by the KDE and Ubuntu-UK teams, with an amazing level of recognition and appreciation being fed back via the LoCo team. Debian UK have renewed their t-shirt stocks, bringing many of the earlier designs back to the show, including the widely appreciated Debian-Grolsch “We only release it when it’s ready!” shirt. It’s been really good to see developers from the closely related Debian and Ubuntu stands working together. Debian second-in-command Steve McIntyre is heading up the Debian booth.
As close to the .Org stands as it’s possible to be (2metres/6feet) are Canonical with many of the team not directly working on todays release of K/Ubuntu 6.10 being present. Jane Silber, Malcolm Yates and a couple new faces were all on hand, supported by the community, including Matthew Garrett. Ubuntu Community Leader Jono Bacon has been representing Ubuntu, Lug Radio and some other audio program project with a funny name.
If you’re planning in joining an Ubuntu 6.10 release party, we’ve just had word that Mark Shuttleworth will be celebrating with the Locoteam in Beijing, China!
Of course, the London exhibition continues on Thursday 26th, so if that’s closer for you, remember to pop in and say ‘Hi’ if you’re in town!