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Thread: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth


    here's an email from one of the opensync developers:

    He successfully synced with an E63.

    i successfully synced a Nokia E63 with SyncML version 1.2.
    libsyncml SVN 215 + patch and wbxml 0.9.2 is needed for this!
    The needed libsyncml patch is attached (at least SVN revision 215 is needed
    for this!).

    !!! WBXML 0.9.2 is REQUIRED for this !!!

    In libsyncml the notification which got send while connecting get assemble for
    SyncML 1.2 in a slightly different way then 1.0 and 1.1. I am not this
    familiar yet with the differences of SyncML 1.2 and 1.1 and the notification
    which got send wile connecting (will change this ASAP). The attached patch
    use the same notification function as SyncML 1.1 and 1.0 does instead of
    sending the san type for SyncML 1.2.

    Feel free to try this patch if your device support SyncML 1.2 by default or
    only 1.2. And let me know if this helped to get your device syncing...

    Best regards,

  2. #62
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    Thumbs up Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Quote Originally Posted by raydekok View Post
    can you tell how? because i can't get it working. i have the E61 (nokia)
    I wrote down some notes as I tried to set this all up. Spent a good part of the weekend working on this.

    I already had bluez-utils and kdebluetooth debs installed.

    Several times I had to reboot to clear things up. Also, I had to shut down the Nokia several times if things got messed up.

    Kubuntu dapper or edgy, worked for both, I used only dapper repo at ~jahn
    1. Add repositories
      deb dapper main
      deb-src dapper main
    2. Add repository gpg key to apt-get
      gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys CB210090B029CB84
      gpg --export CB210090B029CB84 | sudo apt-key add -
    3. apt-get update
    4. apt-get install libopensync-plugin-kdepim libopensync-plugin-file libopensync-plugin-google-calendar libopensync-plugin-synce libopensync-plugin-syncml libopensync0 opensyncutils msynctool multisync-qad
    5. Plug in Bluetooth/Usb adapter
    6. sudo hcitool dev... this should show the computer's bluetooth mac #
    7. sudo hcitool scan... should show the E62 bluetooth mac #
    8. you can use “sdptool browse “ to get detailed info on phone and what channels it uses. For syncing you want the channel for “Nokia SyncML Server”
    9. sudo kate /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf
    10. remove the “#” from in front of auth enable;
    11. sudo kate /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf
    12. I'm not sure this is needed, but I did it anyway.
      sudo mknod /dev/rfcomm0 c 216 0
    13. add rfcomm0 {
      device 00:18:C5:43:19:2B; (# from #7 above)
      channel 14;
      comment "NokiaE62";
    14. sudo sdptool add --channel=10 OPUSH //this is to allow file transfer
      You want the channel that is "SyncMLClient"
    15. sudo kate /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf
      change passkey from 1234 to whatever number you want
    16. just in case, I also did sudo kate /etc/bluetooth/pin
      and changed the default 1234 to my new passkey
    17. sudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart (for dapper) /etc/init.d/bluetooth (edgy)
    18. Enable bluetooth on E62
    19. Menu->Settings->Bluetooth->Bluetooth On
    20. Menu->Settings->Bluetooth->My phone's visibility Shown to all
    21. Menu->Settings->Bluetooth->My phone's name NokiaE62
    22. Menu->Settings->Bluetooth->RemoteSChip mode On or Off, didn't matter
    23. Pair NokiaE62 with computer
    24. Menu->Settings->Bluetooth-> push joystick to the right to change to paired device menu
    25. Select Options
    26. Select New paired device
    27. Found MyComputer-0
    28. Select
    29. Enter passkey that is the same as item as passkey above
    30. Select yes to automatically authorize
    31. Push in joystick
    32. Select Assign short name
    33. Give a name to this computer ( like Linus1 )
    34. Exit
    35. Try to send a file from KDE
    36. Kmenu->Internet,Bluetooth OBEX, drag and drop,send
    37. As user (not root!)
    38. msynctool --addgroup nokia (or whatever name you want)
    39. msynctool --addmember nokia kdepim-sync
    40. msynctool --addmember nokia syncml-obex-client
    41. hcitool scan
    42. msynctool --configure nokia 2
      here is my nokia file
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <!-- (Only for blue) The bluetooth address if the bluetooth mode is selected -->

      <!-- (Only for blue) The bluetooth channel to use (usualy the 11) [x] -->

      <!-- (Only for USB) The usb interface number of the SYNCML-SYNC target. use syncml-obex-client -u (as root!) to find it. -->

      <!-- The string that the plugin will use to identify itself. Some devices need a special string here. -->

      <!-- The syncml version to use: 0 for 1.0, 1 for 1.1 and 2 for 1.2 -->

      <!-- if the plugin should use wbxml -->

      <!-- The username to use. Leave empty to not require a username -->

      <!-- the password for the username -->

      <!-- sets the connection type to use. 5 means obex over usb, 2 means obex over bluetooth -->

      <!-- If wbxml is enabled, defines wether the wbxml should use string tables -->

      <!-- Never send ADD command, but send REPLACE (not needed normally) -->

      <!-- Workaround around for mobile phones which only use local timestamps and _no_ UTC timestamps! -->

      <!-- Sets the maximum allowed size in bytes of incoming messages (some device need this option set). Example: 10000 -->


      <!-- The name of the contacts db. Must be the same as the phones sends -->

      <!-- The name of the calendar db. Must be the same as the phones sends -->

      <!-- The name of the note db. Must be the same as the phones sends -->
    43. Should be good to go at this point
      to sync, from terminal mysynctool --sync nokia
    44. Once this is working, you can use Kmenu->Utilities->Multisync-gui to sync

    I hope my notes work for you and that I didn't miss anything. If nothing else, you know that it can work and pretty much how I did it.

  3. #63
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Quote Originally Posted by mjfleck2000 View Post
    [*]sudo kate /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf[*]remove the “#” from in front of auth enable;[*]sudo kate /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf
    what do you mean with this? i can't find auth enable.
    our greatest fear, is that we are powerfull beond measure

  4. #64
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Quote Originally Posted by mjfleck2000 View Post
    I hope my notes work for you and that I didn't miss anything. If nothing else, you know that it can work and pretty much how I did it.
    hey thanks! i tried most of your steps (since some i have already done... ) and they worked! now i have got it sync'ed, and perhaps it might be a reason why i should keep the n73...


  5. #65
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Quote Originally Posted by raydekok View Post
    what do you mean with this? i can't find auth enable.
    Yes, my notes were a combination of dapper and edgy. I uncommented the auth enable for dapper. This option was not in the edgy version of hcid.conf

  6. #66
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    ok that's why i use edgy.
    but i can't get it. connect worked i think but then i get an error that says: can't connect with user or username is wrong. but there is no username or so.

    but i follow the steps again and we sall see.
    our greatest fear, is that we are powerfull beond measure

  7. #67
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Sorry, but i'm newbie.

    i added
    deb dapper main
    deb-src dapper main

    with edgy instead dapper.

    but when i write

    msynctool --addmember nokia evo2-sync
    msynctool --addmember nokia syncml-obex-client


    Unable to instance plugin with name syncml-obex-client: Unable to find the plugin "syncml-obex-client"

    i tried to add plugins with synaptic with gui interface but if i search edo2 or obex-client i don't find anything.


  8. #68
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    update your sources.list.

    in konsole sudo apt-get update

    and do it again.
    our greatest fear, is that we are powerfull beond measure

  9. #69
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    raydekok, tks for your answer.

    now, o follow all the instruction of howto ( i have a nokia E61),
    but when i type msynctool --sync nokia .......
    my phone connect with PC , i write a password on my phone, but when i confirm with ok, i have this error :

    Synchronizing group "nokia"
    Member 1 of type evo2-sync just connected
    Member 2 of type syncml-obex-client had an error while connecting: Bluetooth connect error
    Member 1 of type evo2-sync just disconnected
    All clients have disconnected
    The sync failed: Unable to connect one of the members
    Error while synchronizing: Unable to connect one of the members

    thks again

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Quote Originally Posted by namaste70bis View Post
    raydekok, tks for your answer.

    now, o follow all the instruction of howto ( i have a nokia E61),
    but when i type msynctool --sync nokia .......
    my phone connect with PC , i write a password on my phone, but when i confirm with ok, i have this error :

    Synchronizing group "nokia"
    Member 1 of type evo2-sync just connected
    Member 2 of type syncml-obex-client had an error while connecting: Bluetooth connect error
    Member 1 of type evo2-sync just disconnected
    All clients have disconnected
    The sync failed: Unable to connect one of the members
    Error while synchronizing: Unable to connect one of the members

    thks again
    You should not be having to enter the passkey. The default passkey is "1234". I changed mine to a different number.

    I changed the passkey in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf.

    I also changed /etc/bluetooth/pin to be the same as the passkey.

    I then set the passkey on the Nokia to be the same:

    # Pair NokiaE62 with computer
    # Menu->Settings->Bluetooth-> push joystick to the right to change to paired device menu
    # Select Options
    # Select New paired device
    # Found MyComputer-0
    # Select
    # Enter passkey that is the same as item as passkey above
    # Select yes to automatically authorize
    # Push in joystick
    # Select Assign short name
    # Give a name to this computer
    # Exit

    You might want to verify that you have done the above three items. If you did, you should not need to enter a passkey when you sync. If you are still having problem after verifying the above, I would suggest that you turn off your computer, turn off the nokia, then start them both up again and then try to sync.


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