Hey everyone. NetworkManager doesn't seem to work well with the version of D-BUS in hoary. And netapplet isn't exactly stable for me and requires too much user intervention. So, I hacked up this little screen-scraping PHP script today that accomplishes what I need for my WiFi roaming needs (at least until NetworkManager matures and is integrated into Breezy). I'm not too concerned about developing a more elegant solution, as this is working wonderfully for me. I just thought I'd post it here in case it could be of help to anybody. Cheers.
wicme - Wireless Internet Configuration Made Easy
By Brad Griffith.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License.
================================================== ==========
This is a small PHP hack that allows for easy configuration
of a wireless card in Ubuntu Hoary. It may work in other
distros/environments, but I haven't tested it. I'm not
planning on improving this tool too much, but I hope it can
be of use to somebody while project like NetworkManager
When wicme is run, either from the commandline or from its
menu item in System >> Administration >> Wireless Networks
it will first look to see if any networks in range are in
your preferred networks list. If so, it will automatically
connect to that network. If not, it will present a list of
networks that you can connect to, allow you to enter a WEP
key if needed, connect to that new network, and add it to
your list of preferred networks. If a connection is made
successfully an lightbulb icon will appear in the notifica-
tion area. If the connection fails, an X will be displayed
there instead.
================================================== ==========
1) Change lines 4 and 5 of "wicme" to match your wireless
device and home directory.
2) Run "sh install.sh" as root.
3) Setup sudo to require no password for the admin group:
a. Run "sudo visudo"
b. Change the line that begins with "%admin" to read:
4) Add wicme to your startup programs in GNOME by using the
"Sessions" preference tool's "Startup Programs" tab.
================================================== ==========
Currently an incorrect WEP key can only be determined by a
time out of dhclient. This takes a long time. It would be
nice to have a faster method of testing this.