Start: 2006-10-28 08:00 End: 2006-10-28 18:00 Timezone: Etc/GMT+1 Our friends in the Hungarian Ubuntu community are hosting the Hungarian Ubuntu Conference (Magyarországi Ubuntu Konferencia) on 28 October 2006, in Budapest. With a mix of Hungarian and English language speakers, this is a great chance for Hungarian and international Ubuntu fans to get together in one of Europe’s beautiful old cities. Hungarian speakers: Attila Dobi, Gábor Kelemen, Péter Mátó, Gábor Süveg, Gábor Török. English speakers: Mario ?ani? (Edubuntu Developer), Ante Karamati? (Ubuntu Developer, Ubuntu Printing Team), Jani Monoses (Xubuntu Lead Developer), Raphaël Pinson (Kubuntu Core Developer), Szilveszter Farkas (Google Summer of Code student). Get along to Building ‘I’ of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on 28 October 2006 for a great day of Ubunting! Ubuntu Hungary website (English conference information). More...
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