Hi all! I´m glad to be here, I hope my question could help anybody more than only me. I´m an absolute begginer in GNU-Linunx world. I come from Windows where I manage to, mostly, be useful for me for many decades. Now than I´ve started with the Ubuntu World, I realized that word "useful" has become "I have no idea about the functioning of any SO". So here I am, I´ve taken a huge 56 videos tutorial for zero-knowledge-in-Linux as a student, more than 60 pages of annotations: 1 week, full, time for studying...from the basic hardware and software structure to gedit, XE and Vi. I thought than I´ve learnt more than a few, so I tried myself for the first time: mi job partner sent me a very simple software for monitoring USB-serial port communications. I´m not going to write all my problems until I managed to make it run. Of course, all of this was made by Terminal sessions. I visit many many pages, copy-paste code...but I still don´t a bit more than nothing about what I´m doing. What I´ve bloody learnt from this particular software is that you have to unpack it, create a directory for your where you´ll download your software, add the path to this directory to the binariy system file giving the propper command options (if not, when you restart a new Terminal and call your software you´ll take a nice clap "unknown command" on your face) and then, you´ll finally are able to run it. Yeeeha!!...nop! I need a driver and it seems than... I have to edit a script and make it run!! (make files). What a Quijote just for an introduction I´ve wrote! sorry. I suppose the smart people of this forum would inmediately recognize my problem: I´m missing the very basics. In fact, I asked in another forum about how to install and run modpoll (this is the name of the sotfware) and i get another slap, this time was a person how told me how massive my ignorance was, at the same time that recommend me type this in my terminal: man bash... Well, I believe my question is even before that: where can I find enough documentation and learn by my self for answering the question: what is bash useful for? That means every is below bash. I have to learn how Linux is struturated. Where do I must begin? If I had to take high school books, I´ll do it, I´m not afraid of!. But the whole concept in a summary would be a nice beggining. Thank you all and have a nice day
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