I used Ubuntu some 15 years ago, then went to Debian and stayed with it until now. For reasons that don't matter right now, I've been trying to come back to Ubuntu, using it for a couple of weeks, and the only problem I have is with fonts. Fonts are very serious business to me. They don't look good on Ubuntu. At first, they were awful, then I copied many of them over from my Debian installation and they got a little better but I'mstill not happy. They look bad on SpaceFM, they look bad on PCManFM and they even look bad on the terminal. And it's strange because I use the exact same terminal application I've always used on Debian, launched with the same font (Monospace 14) specified on the command line, but the font doesn't look the same. Why do fonts look different? Does Ubuntu do anything to them that I can undo?
Perhaps try SVG fonts? You can create your own font family.
Rather than complain, why not actively do something about your issue. A search with a favorite search engine turns up several possible solutions.
Cheers, The Linux Command Line at https://linuxcommand.org/
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