Hi i have an old projector and a Ubuntu in a pc attached.
The thing is my projection is too big for my "display" the sheet where i project (i dont know the word in english)
So, i want to reduce the size of the screen in Ubuntu.
How i can do that?
(i was using this projector in the pass with a raspberry py, and with the raspberry pi i just put this in the config.txt file in /boot and all work fine:

# Display

# uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if console
# goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border
I try with xrandr like this (the values where just too see if the change is the kind of change im expecting):
     xrandr --output HDMI-1 --transform 1.085,0,-50,0,1.18,-65,0,0,1
But, dont work at all. With that the x and y from the top and left change but the bottom and right dont change at all (i just lost part of the screen)