You do not tell us what version of Ubuntu you are using. It is always useful to us to know the version of Ubuntu or its Flavors
Another aspect of running a Linux operating system is updating the system and the applications in it. If you use the Software Updater application it will update both deb packages and snap packages. It will also remove system packages that have been installed and are no longer required. It does this because it runs 4 commands that would otherwise have to be run from the terminal.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt autoremove
sudo snap refresh
What applications do you want to use a terminal to install? Ubuntu has software repositories that contain many, many applications that are tested. It is best to install applications that are in the Ubuntu repositories.
We can use the terminal to install applications that are not in the Ubuntu repositories. There could be a level of risk in doing that. How well do you trust the author of the software?
The App Center in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS will primarily offer snap packaged applications but the search can be filtered to offer Debian packaged applications. For example, search for Web Browser and then select See all results for "Web Browser." Then change Filter By from Snap packages to Debian packages.