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Thread: Unable to Access External Drive using Nautilus

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    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Question Unable to Access External Drive using Nautilus


    Whenever I try to access files on an external hard drive using Nautilus, I get this error message (see attached image):

    Unable to access "1000 GB Encrypted"
    No .Filesystem or .Encrypted interface on D-Bus object

    As far as the drive is concerned, it is formatted APFS. I currently use it as a Time Machine backup drive containing other important files. I've heard using a Time Machine drive to store files isn't good, but it has not caused me any issues working with them in my MacOS partition. I desire to access these files using my Ubuntu partition. As stated, I get the above error message when trying to use Nautilus (as the drive shows up in the left-hand selection menu) to access the drive. The OS is reading the drive, but I cannot access its contents. It is also an Encrypted drive, but I know the password to access the folders.

    I even went into purchasing this software: and still was unsuccessful. After running the installation, I could not produce anything significant using the terminal and the user manual. I feel like I installed it correctly, but no luck when I attempted to use it in the terminal. Can anyone with experience using this software guide me through it? It could be my mistake, and I did it wrong last time. I may already have what I need to access the files, but I don't know how to use the tool I purchased.

    For now, I can restart the computer and access the files on the drive with no problem from MacOS, but I want to try to be able to access them through Ubuntu so I don't have to restart the computer every time I want to access the files on the external drive.

    Thank you so much for your attention and participation.

    Brian J Daniels
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