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Thread: posts to help and support on Discourse rejected

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat

    posts to help and support on Discourse rejected

    As my last post got no response, I tried to repost it on the help and support section ( of the Discourse system. I accessed posting via the " Ready to start a new conversation?" link at the bottom of the page. I know there are limitations for new users, but this is a single standard text only post with no images, which should be permitted even to new users in this category.
    Every time I attempt to post, I get "error occurred: Access denied".
    It saved to drafts, but will not post. Username there same as here "JamButty".
    And yes, there is a similar question up, but the last time I tried to include a similar problem on another's posts as a comment I was chided by administrators for hijacking a post.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: posts to help and support on Discourse rejected

    Most commonly, this occurs when a new user does not search or explore quite enough.

    Nevertheless, try again now. You should be able to post.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat

    Re: posts to help and support on Discourse rejected

    It works! Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    London, England
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: posts to help and support on Discourse rejected

    but the last time I tried to include a similar problem on another's posts as a comment I was chided by administrators for hijacking a post
    Me to.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: posts to help and support on Discourse rejected

    Generally, I see the occasional chiding as a good sign.
    People are exploring, trying something new, exploring the limits.
    And sometimes discovering a limit means that boundary pushes back.

    Ubuntu Discourse has other non-support, non-teaching activities going on, and some of those users do not appreciate the extra noise of tourists wandering into their space.
    In the past, when development teams have been swamped with noise, they fled to a different (private) platforms.
    It took a long time to lure them back.
    Remember, Discourse is their workplace.

    We have no way to "confine" users to a single category. We wouldn't want to anyway.
    We can write about where folks should and shouldn't go (hmmpf. We did!) But who reads instructions?
    So we chide. It's what we can do.

    All chiding that I have seen --and done-- have been for posts inappropriately *outside* the Support and Help category.

    All people need to do is look at the category, look at the tag, and read the topic. Whole thing from the top.
    If the category is not "Support and Help", then new folks probably should not post there.
    If the tag says "documentation", then new folks probably should not post there.
    If the topic is a 2-year old developer explanation about how ssh sockets replaced the old sshd, then new folks probably should not post "Gee, I'm new and having an unrelated problem using ssh!" help request.

    Folks who have been chided have NOT been banned or otherwise sanctioned, just pointed back to the best place to start from.

    Our apologies to those with hurt feelings. It's hard to be new, and we hope you will keep trying us. There is a lot on Discourse, and we want you there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Tāmaki Makau-rau, NZ
    Xubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat

    Re: posts to help and support on Discourse rejected

    Thread has been moved to Forum Feedback and Help.

    There's no ideal place for posts about using the new Discourse, but staff seem to have decided that this is as good as any. Definitely, it doesn't fit in the tech support areas, because it's not about how to make Ubuntu (or flavours) work.

    Oh, and no one is being chided.
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