Hello, I swapped over from windows to kubuntu recently, 22.04 LTS. I play final fantasy 14 a lot, and have been noticing frequent disconnects at seemingly random, coinciding when my internet connection would report a period of 0 up and download speed for a dozen seconds or so. I use proton Using firefox at the same time seems to be fine, however. What can I do to start troubleshooting this? Thank you for the help.
Is it the modem disconnecting from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the program pausing? I do not game. I have no understanding of how game programs work. In fact, how any program works. I imagine that cache memory and the size of it must play a part. I have often experienced problems with my internet connection. I have broadband through a telephone landline. A faulty landline causing interference slowed down download speeds. There could be several physical things causing this problem. It would be a process of elimination. Really, I am only posting in your thread in an attempt to keep your question fresh. It might attract someone's attention. Regards
It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things. Ubuntu user #33,200. Linux user #530,530
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