BootCurrent: 0001
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0001
Boot0000* debian HD(1,GPT,053b2caf-5793-4887-9b71-1745ba5442ec,0x800,0xf3800)/File(\EFI\DEBIAN\SHIMX64.EFI)
Boot0001 debian HD(1,GPT,053b2caf-5793-4887-9b71-1745ba5442ec,0x800,0xf3800)/File(\EFI\DEBIAN\GRUBX64.EFI)..BO
I've been playing with this command off and on for several days. My understanding: BootCurrent means Boot0001 was used. It says the order should prefer Boot0000 (which it does) and is, AFAIK, related to Secure Boot, which I don't use. I think the asterisk next to Boot0000 means it is active? Boot0000 is the one I don't want, if I'm understanding correctly. It's just a pain to me to have to be seated at the PC every reboot because it defaults to 0000.