Previously it was possible to do this within nautilus by selecting file properties, "Open with...". Now I can't find a way doing this. I've checked in the "Settings" app. There's a "Default Apps" section but it only shows generic associations rather by than file extension. What's the current way of changing the file association? My specific problem is that I would like to open .csv file with a specific application, unfortunately, whenever I double click it will open LibreOffice Calc which is not the app I want to use for these files. So every time I have to click "open with other application" then click on the application I want to use, but I can't see any option to set the selected app as "default".
The tool 'xdg-mime' on the command line should allow you to do that. Use 'xdg-mime query filetype path/and/name-of-the-file' (replace the obvious placeholder ...) to get the exact name of the mime-type of the file then use 'xdg-mime default name-of-the-desktop-file mime-type' to set the program for which you give the name of the desktop file as the default for that mime-type. Holger
Is there a way to find out the application currently associated with a mime type? xdg-mime does not do it. Where are configs (eg conig text file) held?
It seems to be listed in .config/mimeapps.list The applications are identified by their .desktop file (ie in /usr/share/applications ) eg application/pdf=libreoffice-draw.desktop;org.gnome.gedit.desktop;org.gnome.Evi nce.desktop; The default one for pdf (ie when you double-click on it) is: evince – gnome document viewer (built-in). Another file must determine that this be used?
The help of xdg-mime isn't very helpful but you can actually do something like: Code: xdg-mime query default text/csv
xdg-mime query default text/csv
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