I am on Ubuntu 24.04 and was also wondering about the following issue. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1497...ee-in-nautilus Whenever I press backspace in nautilus, it seems to move up the directory tree. This is really annoying, especially when I am using the search feature and hold backspace to delete whatever I entered into the search bar. In the few milliseconds between when I fully delete whatever is in the search bar and when I release the backspace button, nautilus goes 4-5 folders up the directory tree. Is there a way to disable this feature?
Feel free to use a different file manager. There are about 20 of them for your consideration. Nautilus isn't the ONLY file manager in the world. I've been using pcmanfm when I need a file manager for a few years. Mainly, I use it when drag-n-drop is needed into a few programs with terrible File--> Open dialogs. There's also Nemo and Thunar that are popular. One of the things I really use is the sftp:// access to other systems if I don't have NFS setup between them, yet.
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