My name is Porter however, I Prefer to use the name Chip.
I've been using Linux in some form or another for the past 22 or 23 years. I remember when you had to use the bw43-cuter utility in order to get a broad com chip set based WiFi cards to work correctly. Another painful thing that I remember taking several hours is trying to get the NVIDIA graphics card that I had at the time working correctly as I had to literally go down the proverbial driver location "rabbit hole" in order to get my NVIDIA card to work correctly.
I stuck with the GNU/Linux experience though and not only learned a whole entire new operating system but all so learned that I'm extremely resourceful and therefore can learn nearly any new thing that catches my interest. In the started my Linux journey on Debian which is what Ubuntu is a derivative (or based upon), Back then if you where using Debian it was the woody release. Which in turn meant that I would've been using Ubuntu Breezy (5.10).