problem with snap
I had been having with snap. So I deleted it all and re-installed snap. I now have apparently have snap. It is, however, kinda odd. When I goto 'snap' there is one thing in it 'firefox'. The problem is that everything under 'firefox' is zero and its not installed there. That's fine but I don't understand that one. Then there is the snap store - not here. I tried to install it and failed. I can live with this but I would rather not.
When I checked snap I got:
HTML Code:
snapd.service - Snap Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snapd.service; enabled; vendor pres>
Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-11-06 09:14:47 PST; 45min ago
TriggeredBy: ● snapd.socket
Main PID: 737 (snapd)
Tasks: 14 (limit: 19049)
Memory: 57.8M
CPU: 2.192s
CGroup: /system.slice/snapd.service
└─737 /usr/lib/snapd/snapd
Nov 06 09:14:47 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC snapd[737]: backends.go:58:>
Nov 06 09:14:46 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC systemd[1]: Starting Snap D>
Nov 06 09:14:47 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC systemd[1]: Started Snap Da>
Nov 06 09:15:56 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC snapd[737]: storehelpers.go>
Nov 06 09:15:58 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC snapd[737]: storehelpers.go>
Nov 06 09:16:02 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC snapd[737]: storehelpers.go>
Nov 06 09:16:05 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC snapd[737]: storehelpers.go>
Nov 06 09:16:06 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC snapd[737]: storehelpers.go>
Nov 06 09:16:08 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC snapd[737]: storehelpers.go>
Nov 06 09:19:51 greg-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-CMT-PC snapd[737]: storehelpers.go>
Memory: 16gb
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-2600 CPU
Graphics: NVC1
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 Gnome: 42.9