If you can mount it using terminal commands, then you can setup the /etc/fstab to use the automoutd method of systemd.
Of course, you can also use autofs, but that's more complicated. Autofs will umount the file system automatically when there aren't any more open files for 1-3 minutes after the last file on that file system is closed.
Something like this:
$ sudoedit /etc/fstab
# add a line to the fstab:
LABEL={whatever the label is} /media/Jet ntfs nodev,windows_names,nosuid,noatime,async,big_writes,timeout=2,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0002,dmask=0002,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.idle-timeout=120s,noauto 0 2
Lots of options to ensure it works well, better than the way any GUI tool mounts it. If you don't have a LABEL, set one. If it has spaces, you'll need to quote it, the label, that is.
# tell systemd's fstab tool to check for changes ....
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Next, if the HDD is USB connected, do anything to access /media/Jet and it could be mounted for you automatically. If the USB HDD isn't plugged in, you'll get an error, eventually. I've assumed the primary UID and GID are both 1000. If that isn't to your liking, use the needed uid/gid numbers.