Is it power_save that disconnects the wifi when it goes idle?
You know, come to think about it, when I was looking at my list of what I install, brave browser has a security feature known as "keyring lock".
Also, When I was testing 24.04 Noble to see if I needed to revert back here to 22.04 Jammy, it seemed bleachbit caused this same issue.
This is only a thought, something inside brave browser, its keyring lock, bleachbit, or a combination of those...
Could something, especially in bleachbit, be causing some things to become unstable?
# Brave-Browser
apt install -y curl
curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] stable main"|tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
apt update
apt install -y brave-browser
Here's a list of what I install.
# Ubuntu-Restricted-Extras
# Wine-Staging
# Disk Usage Analyzer
# Monitorix
# Bleachbit
# Stacer
# DebOrphan
# Webcamoid
# Spotify
# Brave-Browser
# curl
# PsUtils
# lm-sensors
# KolourPaint
# Timeshift
# Fdupes
# Falkon