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Thread: Partitions missing in grub

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    Join Date
    Nov 2024

    Partitions missing in grub


    I'm running into an issue after creating a partition and installing windows 11 to turn my Ubuntu laptop into a dual boot.
    The windows installation boots just fine, however I'm running into a problem when trying to boot my original Ubuntu installation.

    Instead of booting I'm redirected to the grub terminal where i can see my hard drive, but the partitions are missing. When I try to list the hard drive contents, i get an "unknown filesystem" error.

    To try and fix this, I booted from a live usb. When running fsdisk -l, I've been able to verify that the partitions are in fact still there.

    I've also tried running boot-repair, However, boot-repair also doesn't show the option to repair my system, only to create an info summary, so i couldn't use this tool to repair my system

    another clue I've found is the following error message when probing my hard drive.

    Error: The primary GPT table is corrupt, but the backup appears OK, so that will be used.

    Thanks a lot in advance for any help or info on fixing my system and making it bootable again!


    Solved the issue by running gdisk:

    gdisk /dev/nvme0n1
    r - to enter repair options
    b - to restore the backup
    w - to write the changes
    Last edited by guan24; 4 Weeks Ago at 07:21 PM. Reason: Solved issue

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