Re-Installed ubuntu 22.04.5 problems
My first problem is that of colors. After I boot the colors hide most of everything (yellow, etc) I found that if I goto settings and then call up colors I can change the colors so that its functional. The problem is that its not sticking. Given that its currently easy to read everything I can do it again but how do I make it so?
My second problem is booting. I put ubuntu onto a ssd and its really works fine. The problem is that the machine is a dell and i have to press f12 and then I get a list of boot options. The one I use is the first one which is "Legacy Boot" About 3 down it comes to the ssd which I choose and it boots right up. What I would like to do is to not have to go through this every time I boot up.
Memory: 16gb
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-2600 CPU
Graphics: NVC1
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 Gnome: 42.9