Sorry for the duplicate posts. The editor really seems to despise my problems.
I just tried apt download headers-6*-48 modules*-48 and modules-extra*-48 and then apt install ./*deb in ~ but for some reason modules-extra keeps wanting to pull from remote
~~Unfortunately when I rebooted my networking had been nuked. I can't rule out hardware just yet, but my network interfaces have all changed name (I'm back on linux6.8 -35) - enp2s0 has incremented to enp3s0 and vethe836cbe interface has appeared.~~ E: False alarm on networking, I powered off both ends of my powerline adapter and back on and it's fine.
Also have just learned that the forums are on their last leg. Rip the 2010s era of ubuntu
Edit: I've just posted in Matrix about this issue for the first time; under the handle - I'll be available live there from here out.