I have created this thread because original thread can no longer be edited. Original thread is at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2478238
Continuing from original thread...
I upgraded Ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04 in Sept 2024 however that delayed appearance of Desktop was still there. Today I was reading a blog and came across this utility I thought about trying it. So I used
extrace -ltu -o Desktop/trace
command to start the trace while trying to login using second user. It took usual ~2+ mins. But this time I was able to catch
41751- /bin/xbrlapi exited status=4 time=133.389s
in the output file. A quick review shows that this is related to accessibility related features. Details can be found here. I uninstalled it and viola, login time snapped back to 2-3 sec. I don't know how it was installed in the first place or what caused it to misbehave after I upgraded to 22.04.
This issue bugged me for over two years. I tried many times to diagnose including taking help from ChatGPT for synthesizing logs however nothing worked. Hopefully this information can be helpful for others in some way.