I want to set up through gufw or through ufw directly from the terminal, the next settings from the first print screen
The second print screen is the one from gufw, if in that gufw window, I must set up these rules.
I want to set up through gufw or through ufw directly from the terminal, the next settings from the first print screen
The second print screen is the one from gufw, if in that gufw window, I must set up these rules.
It is a must to add these rules in order for an app to work properly.
It seems that for the first rules the command is:
Unfortunately, for the second rule, it should be something like that, but it doesn't work:Code:sudo ufw allow from to any port 64297 proto tcp
Any ideas, please?Code:sudo ufw allow 0:64000/tc ERROR: Bad Port.
Thank you.
If you are going to allow everything in and out, just disable ufw. If you did that in my company, you'd be fired.