I am trying to add a script to my file manager (PCManFM-qt, I believe. I am running Lubuntu 22.04LTS) and I did this before several years ago and this successfully carried over from the upgrade. But I believe at the time I used a tool to manage this and it seems that tool has been discontinued.
My question is what are the actual scripts and config files required to do this via the CLI? It seems there MUST be a file, somewhere, that has my earlier edits buried in it and those work great, if I could find that file I could perhaps add the new line item to it?
I did a bit of hunting and used ChatGPT which kindly set me up with the item in the Taskbar's left-click menu, where all the applications are. But what I want is to right click on a jpg and have it run a shell script I've written, operating on that file and saving it in a sub-directory.
Can anyone direct me to the right files to edit to make this work? I have created a .desktop file for it, I have "chmod +x"ed the script. I just don't know where to edit the PCManFM-qt. (All of this is conjecture, maybe I'm totally barking up the wrong tree?)
Thank you in advance for any help.